RESUMO Objetivo Compreender as implicações da assistência prestada às pessoas com comportamento suicida no âmbito da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial, na perspectiva de usuários e profissionais de saúde. Método Pesquisa qualitativa, sob o referencial teórico do pensamento complexo e metodológ...
ABSTRACT Objective: to emphasize university educational management actions and their articulation to develop clinical practice in nursing training, designed by its faculty. Methods: a single-case study with qualitative approach. The sources were composed of documentary research, focused interview with ...
Objective: to analyze the average annual percentage variation in the mortality rate due to suicide in the older adult in southern Brazil between 2006 and 2015. Methods:a descriptive study with data from the Mortality Information System and the Brazilian Institute of Geograph...
Objective: To understand the actions and interactions developed by nursing professors in the management of university education. Method:Qualitative study, with a theoretical-methodological contribution in the Grounded Theory, developed in an undergraduate nursing course of a...
Docentes de Enfermería,
Enfermeras y Enfermeros,
Organización y Administración,
Investigación en Administración de Enfermería,
Estrategias de Salud,
Gestión de la Calidad Total,
Abstract Objective: Understand limitations and possibilities in university management performed by nursing managers of the undergraduate nursing course of a public university. Method: A qualitative study with theoretical and methodological framework anchored in the Grounded Theory. Data collection to...
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the use of Grounded Theory as a methodological framework in scientific articles published in Brazilian Nursing journals with Qualis Capes A1 and A2. Method: descriptive, documentary study with a quantitative approach. Five Brazilian nursing journals with Qualis A1 and A2...
Objective: to understand the phenomenon of marital violence based on the experience of women in judicial process and network professionals. Method: a qualitative study, with theoretical-methodological support in grounded theory. Data collection took place in two regional Courts for Peace in the Home in ...
RESUMO Objetivo desvelar o contexto da violência conjugal experienciados por mulheres em processo judicial. Método pesquisa qualitativa baseada na Grounded Theory, realizado com 29 mulheres em processo judicial por violência conjugal e os nove profissionais que atuam junto a duas Varas de Justiça...
Objetivo: compreender como os enfermeiros significam o cuidado prestado ao paciente no processo de morte encefálica em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Método: pesquisa qualitativa com aporte teórico-metodológico na
Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados. A coleta de dados foi realizada em uma Unidade de Ter...
Resumo Objetivo Compreender o significado da ampliação da prática clínica do enfermeiro na atenção obstétrica e neonatal no contexto da atenção primária. Métodos Pesquisa qualitativa, com o referencial teórico filosófico do Pensamento Complexo de Edgar Morin e com o referencial metodoló...