Resultados: 3

Competência para o cuidado ginecológico na atenção primária à saúde sob a ótica das enfermeiras

Rev. baiana enferm; 37 (), 2023
Objetivo: descrever cuidados ginecológicos de enfermagem realizados com competência na Atenção Primária à Saúde sob a ótica das enfermeiras. Método: pesquisa convergente assistencial realizada com 31 enfermeiras no sul do Brasil, por meio de oficinas temáticas, no período de agosto a setembro...

Strengthening nurses in prenatal care through reflection-action

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 42 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective To describe the reflection-action process for the development of nurses' competence in prenatal care. Method Action research with 30 nurses from primary health care in a municipality in the south of the country, through workshops held between June and August 2019, analyzed according ...

Care in the parturition process from the perspective of nursing professionals

ABSTRACT Objective: to reflect on nursing care for women undergoing parturition from the perspective of nursing professionals. Method: this is a study with a qualitative approach based on Convergent Care Research. The participants were 36 nursing professionals, who developed assistance activities for w...