Resultados: 111

Effectiveness of Enteral Nutritional Therapy in the Healing Process of Pressure Ulcers: A Systematic Review

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 49 (1), 2015
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness of enteral nutritional therapy (ENT) in the healing process of pressure ulcers (PU) in adults and the elderly. METHOD A systematic review whose studies were identified through the databases of Cochrane, MEDLINE/PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science...

Correlation between depressive symptoms and quality of life in users of psychoactive substances

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 48 (4), 2014
Objectives: To evaluate the correlation between the presence of depressive symptoms and quality of life in users of psychoactive substances from Psychosocial Attention Centers in Mato Grosso. Method: A cross-sectional analytical study, conducted in Psychosocial Attention Centers, with 109 users. The inst...

Acute kidney injury after contrast-enhanced examination among elderly

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 22 (4), 2014
OBJECTIVES: to assess renal function in elderly patients undergoing contrast-enhanced computed tomography and identify the preventive measures of acute kidney injury in the period before and after the examination. METHOD: longitudinal cohort study conducted at the Federal University of São Paulo Hospita...

Nephrotoxicity Of Polymyxin B: Experimental Study In Cells And Implications For Nursing Practice

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 48 (2), 2014
The aim of the study was to characterize the cell damage mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of cytotoxicity of polymyxin B in proximal tubular cells (LLC - PK1) and discuss about the nurses interventions to identify at risk patients and consider prevention or treatment of nephrotoxicity acute kid...

Construção e validação de um manual informativo sobre o banho no leito

Acta paul. enferm; 26 (6), 2013
OBJETIVO: Construir e validar um manual informativo sobre o banho no leito para pacientes com síndrome coronária aguda. MÉTODOS: O manual informativo foi desenvolvido com base na experiência profissional dos pesquisadores e em levantamento bibliográfico. A versão preliminar do manual foi submetida ...

Sentimentos de pessoas renais crônicos e interferências em atividades sociais

Rev. baiana enferm; 27 (1), 2013
A doença renal crônica pode causar alterações emocionais e físicas nas pessoas. Objetiva-se relacionar sentimentos mencionados por pacientes renais crônicos em hemodiálise referentes a problemas de saúde física e emocional e interferências em atividades sociais. Pesquisa quantitativa, descritiv...

Microrganismos isolados de pacientes em hemodiálise por cateter venoso central e evolução clínica relacionada

Acta paul. enferm; 26 (5), 2013
OBJETIVO: Identificar os microrganismos isolados da pele pericateter, ponta do cateter e corrente sanguínea de pacientes em hemodiálise por cateter venoso central, verificar o perfil de sensibilidade destes microrganismos aos antimicrobianos e avaliar a evolução clínica e a mortalidade relacionada a...

Quality of life and stress in caregivers of drug-addicted people

Acta paul. enferm; 25 (spe2), 2012
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate quality of life and presence of stress in caregivers of drug-addicted people. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was carried out at four Psychosocial Care Centers in Mato Grosso. Demographic and quality of life data were collected for 109 caregivers using the Medical Outcomes Stud...