Resultados: 38

Oncologic EmergencIes: Nursing Care proposed in Literature

Introduction: Cancer patients need special care which improve their quality of life and protect them from complications. Nevertheless, it is not always possible to prevent undesired events, thus knowledge on oncologic emergencies is needed for fast interventions that can save lives. Objectives: To identi...

Infection prevention measures used in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: evidences for practice

This integrative review aimed to identify and assess evidence available about the use of high-efficiency air filters, protective isolation and masks for infection prevention in patients submitted to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation during hospitalization. LILACS, PUBMED, CINAHL, EMBASE and the Coc...

The Use Of Polyurethane Transparent Film In Indwelling Central Venous Catheter

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 18 (6), 2010
Dressing is an intervention aimed to prevent infection in central venous catheter. This study aimed to analyze the frequency of catheter-related infection and skin toxicity in the use of transparent film in Hickman’s catheter in patients who underwent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. ...

Comunicação como instrumento terapêutico para pacientes submetidos ao transplante de medula óssea: revisão

Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) causes psychological effects in patients, especially in terms of autonomy and coping with the situation; therapeutic communication can help patients to recover these. This integrative literature review aims to identify evidence of using communication interventions in pat...

Revisão integrativa: método de pesquisa para a incorporação de evidências na saúde e na enfermagem

Texto & contexto enferm; 17 (4), 2008
A prática baseada em evidências é uma abordagem que encoraja o desenvolvimento e/ou utilização de resultados de pesquisas na prática clínica. Devido à quantidade e complexidade de informações na área da saúde, há necessidade de produção de métodos de revisão de literatura, dentre estes, ...

New guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 16 (6), 2008
Cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) poses a severe threat to life; cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) represents a challenge for research and assessment by nurses and their team. This study presents the most recent international recommendations for care in case of cardiopulmonary heart arrest, based on the 200...

O cuidado de enfermagem e o cateter de Hickman: a busca de evidências

Acta paul. enferm; 18 (3), 2005
Os pacientes submetidos ao transplante de medula óssea (TMO) necessitam de um acesso venoso seguro para a infusão da medula óssea. A implantação de um cateter venoso central é parte da terapêutica, sendo o de Hickman o mais utilizado atualmente; entretanto, sua presença impõe riscos, sendo a inf...