Resultados: 34

Construção e validação do conteúdo de um programa de prevenção de lesão músculo-esquelética no esporte: um estudo Delphi

Introdução: Os fatores desencadeantes de lesões no esporte são de interesse dos profissionais que atuam com os praticantes de atividades físicas e esportivas. Um programa preventivo pode conscientizar não apenas o atleta, mas também os profissionais que trabalham com esporte, da importância de mi...

Development of an integrative learning program for community dwelling old people with dementia

Objective: to develop an integrative learning program for people with dementia. Method: a methodological study was conducted using Delphi technique to develop the learning program, followed by a feasibility test. An expert panel was invited to develop the integrative learning program based on the neurop...

Elaboration and validation of an algorithm for treating peripheral intravenous infiltration and extravasation in children

Objective: to elaborate and validate the content and appearance of an algorithm for treating infiltration and extravasation of non-chemotherapy drugs and solutions administered to children. Method: a methodological study of the technology formulation and validation type. To elaborate the algorithm, a bi...

Competences in the training of nurses to assist the airway of adult patients in urgency and emergency situations

Objective: construction and validation in appearance and content of the competence frameworks and of the Entrustable Professional Activities to develop skills in the training of nurses to assist the airway of adult patients in urgency and emergency situations. Method: a descriptive and methodological st...

Construction and validation of an instrument for the structural assessment of wards for urinary continence in older adults

Objective: to build and validate an instrument for structural assessment of wards for the preservation of urinary continence in hospitalized older adults. Method: this is a methodological study divided into two stages. The first corresponded to an integrative literature review that guided the constructi...

Validação de conteúdo de um instrumento de avaliação do impacto do transtorno neurocognitivo na família

Referência; serV (2), 2020
Enquadramento: O diagnóstico de uma doença crónica e incapacitante implica mudanças profundas na dinâmica familiar, com exigências acrescidas para a prestação dos cuidados de enfermagem à família. Objetivo: Validar o conteúdo da escala de avaliação do impacto do transtorno neurocognitivo na ...

Nursing recommendations for facing dissemination of COVID-19 in Brazilian Nursing Homes

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (supl.2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: to develop a protocol of recommendations for facing dissemination of COVID-19 in Brazilian Nursing Homes. Method: a study of experts' recommendations using a structured form applied through the Delphi Technique, obtaining 100% agreement among professionals after four rounds of analy...

Nursing research priorities in critical care in Brazil: Delphi Study

Objective: to analyze the nursing research priorities in critical care in Brazil identified by specialists and researchers in the area, as well as to establish the consensus of the topics suggested by the experts. Method: a descriptive study, using the e-Delphi technique in three rounds. The research pa...

Construção e avaliação de bundle frente ao extravasamento de antineoplásicos: estudo metodológico

Resumo Objetivo Construir e avaliar o conteúdo de um bundle de prevenção e condutas frente ao extravasamento de agentes antineoplásicos em pacientes oncológicos adultos. Métodos Estudo metodológico, em três etapas: realização de Scoping Review, construção do bundle e avaliação do materi...

Preventing falls in hospitalized elderly: design and validation of a team intervention

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 53 (), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective The objective of the present study was the design and validation, by a panel of experts, of a team intervention to manage the risk of falls in the hospitalized elderly. Method The method used was a quanti-qualitative approach, using the Delphi method. The study was developed in two...