Resultados: 10

Internacionalização e adaptação de graduandas/egressas do curso de enfermagem em mobilidade acadêmica internacional

Objetivo: Compreender o processo de adaptação e as repercussões da internacionalização para graduandos e egressos do curso de Enfermagem que vivenciaram a mobilidade acadêmica internacional. Método: Estudo qualitativo, realizado por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, com oito ex-intercambistas ...

Doutorado sanduíche como estratégia de internacionalização do conhecimento da enfermagem

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 13 (4), 2014
In recent times, the need for qualified education at PhD level has called attention to the indicators of knowledge internationalization. The goal is to discuss, through an experience report, sandwich doctorate programs as a strategy for the internationalization of nursing knowledge. ...

Aspects related to the outcomes of the treatment, in international borders, of cases of tuberculosis as associated to comorbidities

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 40 (), 2019
Abstract Objective: analyzing the aspects associated with case outcomes and the international border situation when it comes to patients with tuberculosis (TB) associated with comorbidities. Method: exploratory descriptive epidemiological study, analyzing all new cases of TB with comorbidities report...

Mobilidade estudantil internacional: a experiência de estudantes de graduação em Enfermagem

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 52 (), 2018
RESUMO Objetivo Compreender as experiências vivenciadas pelos estudantes de graduação da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo na mobilidade estudantil internacional. Método Estudo transversal, descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, realizado entre fevereiro e julho de 2017. Os dados...

The nurses' work process in different countries: an integrative review

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (2), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the characteristics of nurses' work process in different countries. Method: We have used the integrative review method and selected 84 publications (articles, theses and dissertations) in national and foreign thesis banks and databases. We analyzed the evidence based on d...

Enhancing nursing knowledge through democratic cross-national collaboration

Texto & contexto enferm; 20 (3), 2011
Enhancing nursing knowledge requires the exchange of ideas worldwide through the collaboration of nurse scientists. Healthy partnerships abide by the values of collaboration, mutual trust, respect and dignity. However, a lack of information exists regarding the nature of cross-national academic partnersh...

Thinking about place: researching and reading the global history of nursing

Texto & contexto enferm; 18 (4), 2009
This paper considers place as a category of analysis. As nursing as a practice discipline and the history of nursing as a field of scholarship both enter a more self-consciously global arena and scholars are moving beyond the nation and the nation-state as the primary context for historical inquiry. At t...