Objective: to identify indicators that can be used in the management of Mental Health Services. Method: an integrative review in which we adopted the Population, Concept, and Context strategy to formulate the following Guiding Question: "Which indicators can be used for the management of mental health s...
OBJECTIVE: Recognizing the importance of the tertiary Health Care Network (HCN) in confronting COVID-19, a document review was developed based on ordinances, decrees, and laws of the State of Pernambuco and the Federal Union that enabled the reorganization of health services. METHOD: A descriptive study...
The aging of the Brazilian population requires elderly care policies to be evaluated. Objective: To identify health professionals’ perceptions about elderly care in Primary Health Care. Method: Case study with triangulation of data based on Ayres’ vulnerability framework, conducted in ...
Salud del Anciano,
Atención Primaria de Salud,
Personal de Salud,
Vulnerabilidad ante Desastres,
Anciano Frágil,
Inversiones en Salud,
Gestión en Salud,
Vulnerabilidad Social,
Recursos Humanos,
Recursos Financieros en Salud,
Estrategias de Salud,
Organización y Administración,
Recursos en Salud,
ABSTRACT Objective: to present the development of interactive media to compose an organizational platform addressing technical procedures performed in Material and Sterilization Centers. Method: lapplied research regarding technological production conducted in the Instituto Nacional de Referências em ...
The aim of this documentary, quantitative, exploratory and descriptive study was to characterize research groups in nursing education in the state of São Paulo and the conformity of its researchers and scientific works. Data were collected in Directory Groups of CNPq, in the 2008 census and in the Latte...