Resultados: 18

Validade de conteúdo dos indicadores clínicos de desobstrução ineficaz de vias aéreas

Resumo Objetivo Identificar os indicadores clínicos mais relevantes para o Diagnóstico de Enfermagem Desobstrução ineficaz de vias aéreas. Método Estudo metodológico de análise de conteúdo organizado em três fases: definição conceitual do fenômeno de interesse, construção da estrutura ...

Validation of interventions for risk of impaired skin integrity in adult and aged patients

ABSTRACT Objectives: to validate nursing interventions for the diagnosis Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity in adult and aged hospitalized patients. Methods: descriptive, quantitative study, using the content validity of interventions done by 14 specialist nurses. Results: the specialist nurses had work...

Validation by experts of Risk of suicide Nursing Diagnosis in the elderly

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.2), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to validate the conceptual and operational definitions content of factors for Risk of suicide Nursing Diagnosis in the elderly. Method: this is validation of the conceptual and operational definitions content of factors for Risk of suicide in the elderly, performed by 15 experts, fr...

Predição de risco e acurácia diagnóstica em pacientes internados com insuficiência cardíaca descompensada: estudo de coorte

Resumo OBJETIVOS Analisar a acurácia diagnóstica de enfermagem em pacientes com predição de risco de piora clínica durante internação por insuficiência cardíaca agudamente descompensada. MÉTODO Estudo de coorte com coleta de dados em prontuário de acordo com o Acute Decompensated Heart Failu...

Scientific production of the International Classification for Nursing Practice: a bibliometric study

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the scientific production of the International Classification for Nursing Practice throughout dissertations and theses published by nurses in Brazil from 1996 to 2016. Method: A bibliometric, descriptive, quantitative documentary study, carried out from October/2015 to J...

Impaired Verbal Communication: diagnosis review in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

ABSTRACT Objective: To review the contents of the nursing diagnosis of Impaired Verbal Communication in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Method: For the review of this diagnosis we used the integrative review. The 21 selected articles were submitted to a careful concept analysis for the def...

Conceptual and operational definitions of the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis Disturbed Sleep Pattern

Objective to present the knowledge produced about sleep and Acute Coronary Syndrome in order to assist in the elaboration of the operational and conceptual definitions of the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis Disturbed Sleep Pattern (00198). Method integrative review in the following d...

Cross-mapping of results and Nursing Interventions: contribution to the practice

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate, through cross-mapping, the correspondence of the expected results and prescriptions written by nurses among those contained in the Interventions Classifications and Nursing Results, for the diagnosis "Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion". Method: Descriptive study, ...

Subconjunto terminológico da CIPE® para assistência à mulher e à criança em processo de amamentação

Resumo OBJETIVO Descrever o processo de elaboração de um subconjunto terminológico da Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem para assistência à mulher e à criança em processo de amamentação. MÉTODO Estudo metodológico desenvolvido em seis etapas seguindo as diretrizes re...