Resultados: 27

Vigilância da Tuberculose Latente nas pessoas que vivem com HIV/aids em Ribeirão Preto - SP, 2012 e 2013

A TB é a principal doença oportunista a acometer as pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids (PVHA), sendo a coinfecção TB/HIV um importante desafio para os sistemas de saúde. O estudo objetivou descrever a vigilância da tuberculose latente nas PVHA acompanhadas pelos Serviços de Atenção Especializada ao HI...

Consulta de enfermagem às mulheres que convivem com HIV na perspectiva fenomenológica

Reme (Online); 28 (), 2024
Objetivo: desvelar os significados do ser mulher soropositiva e a vivência da consulta de enfermagem no rastreamento do Câncer de Colo de Útero e de Mama. Método: estudo qualitativo, fenomenológico, embasado na analítica heideggeriana com 11 mulheres entrevistadas em um Serviço de Assistência Esp...

Abordagem profissional no cuidado de mulheres portadoras do vírus HIV impossibilitadas de amamentar

A excelência do leite materno como alimento ideal para o recém-nascido e lactente vem sendo cada vez mais comprovada. Todavia, com a feminização da Aids houve um maior risco de transmissão vertical da doença, e o Ministério da Saúde lançou medidas de controle, dentre elas a supressão da lactaç...

The association between knowledge about HIV and risk factors in young Amazon people

ABSTRACT Objectives: analyze the association between the level of HIV knowledge among young people from Amazonas region, their sociodemographic profile and infection risk factors. Methods: cross-sectional analytical study, which used a structured questionnaire containing questions about sociodemographi...

Vulnerability in the health of young transgender women living with HIV/AIDS

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the health vulnerability of young female transgender living with HIV/AIDS. Methods: qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory study, based on the theoretical reference of Social Representation and concept of vulnerability; developed with six transgender women in a refere...

Vulnerability factors associated with HIV/AIDS hospitalizations: a case-control study

ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify the association between HIV/AIDS hospitalizations and factors that integrate individual, social, and programmatic vulnerabilities. Methods: a case-control study conducted in 2014 in a municipality in the state of São Paulo. "Cases" included people living with HIV (PLHI...

Impacts of health of users with HIV/AIDS in a specialized service

ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the perception of users of a Specialized Care Service (SAE- Serviço de Assistência Especializada) in HIV/AIDS about their oral health. Method: qualitative research that used the techniques of participant observation and focal group. For the analysis of the material p...

Motherhood and HIV: reproductive desire, ambivalent feelings and a/an (not) offered care

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify in the scientific literature the feelings of women living with HIV in relation to reproduction and motherhood, as well as the care provided by health professionals regarding reproductive health as a right. Method: Integrative review carried out in 2017, in the databases ...

Mothers living with HIV: replacing breastfeeding by infant formula

ABSTRACT Objective: To explore factors that interact and shape the meaning and experience of mothers of HIV-exposed children in relation to replacing breastfeeding by infant formula. Method: A qualitative study was carried out with 23 mothers living with HIV, whose children were up to 18 months of age ...

Social representations of the elderly about HIV/AIDS

ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the representational content about HIV/AIDS among seropositive elderly people. Method: a qualitative study carried out from April to May 2017, in the city of Recife/PE, with 48 seropositive elderly people, through a semi-structured interview. The Social Representations...