Resultados: 178

O grupo operativo como instrumento de aprendizagem do cuidado por mães de filhos com deficiência

Objetivo: Compreender os significados atribuídos ao grupo operativo por mães que cuidam do filho com deficiência. Métodos: Pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, com oito mães participantes de grupos operativos, cujos filhos são acompanhados em um programa especializado, de Minas Gerais. Os dados fora...

Crenças e práticas parentais no cuidado domiciliar da criança nascida prematura

REME rev. min. enferm; 19 (4), 2015
OBJETIVO: identificar as práticas e crenças parentais adotadas no cuidado à criança prematura no domicílio. MÉTODOS: estudo observacional, de corte transversal realizado com 31 pais de crianças nascidas prematuras. Para a coleta de dados utilizaram-se dois instrumentos: a ficha da família e a "es...

From the dream to reality: experience of mothers of children with disabilities

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (2), 2015
This study aims to show signs of emotional distress experienced by mothers of children with disabilities. Comprehensive and interpretative study, conducted in the city of Timbaúba/Pernambuco/Brazil, with six mothers of children with disabilities. The empirical material was produced by interviews, follow...

Vulnerabilidade no desenvolvimento da criança: influência da juventude e condições de saúde maternas

Cogitare enferm; 19 (2), 2014
Pesquisa exploratória qualitativa que objetivou conhecer a compreensão do enfermeiro sobre a vulnerabilidade no desenvolvimento da criança. Foi realizada com 39 enfermeiros atuantes em Unidades Municipais de Saúde com Estratégia Saúde da Família em Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil. Para a coleta de dados...

Caring for a premature child at home: from fear and doubt to trust

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (4), 2014
Being a mother is the result of a process that involves the development of a strong maternal identity, begins during pregnancy, and includes the child's first months of life. This process thrives on the constant mother-child interaction. In order to know the lived experiences of mothers of previously hos...

The ways in which blind mothers cope with taking care of their children under 12 years old

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (4), 2014
This study was aimed at analyzing the ways in which blind mothers cope with taking care of their children under 12 years old and is focused on health promotion, risk prevention and education. This is a qualitative study held in Fortaleza, in the state of Ceará, at the homes of nine blind mothers. A semi...

Difficulties experienced by the mothers of people with cystic fibrosis

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (2), 2014
This study aimed to understand difficulties experienced by mothers in life with, and caring for, their children with cystic fibrosis. A descriptive-exploratory study with a qualitative character, its population consisted of 14 women. Data collection involved a semi-structured interview. The statements' a...

Retrieving the offspring and caring for it during the first night at home

Invest. educ. enferm; 31 (3), 2013
Objective. To describe experiences of mothers caring for their preterm offspring on the first day after being discharged from the hospital. Methodology. This was an interpretative phenomenological study with 10 mothers. Results. Release of the infant from the hospital was interpreted by the mothers as an...

Early contact and breastfeeding: meanings and experiences

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (1), 2014
The aim of this study was to analyze the meanings and experiences of early contact and breastfeeding of the postpartum women admitted at a Baby-Friendly Hospital. It is a descriptive, exploratory study, with qualitative approach, that was developed in a teaching hospital in the Northwest of Paraná state...

Comportamentos maternos e infantis durante alimentação: estudo mediante observação

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 8 (3), 2009
Há estudos internacionais indicando que comportamentos maternos e interações mãe/filho durante a alimentação podem ter papel importante na determinação do estado nutricional da criança e de seu consumo de alimentos. O objetivo deste estudo foi iniciar em nosso meio o estudo desta temática descr...