Resultados: 22

Masculinities of prostate cancer survivors: a qualitative metasynthesis

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the production of knowledge in the health literature about masculinities in the context of prostate cancer survivors and to analyze the implications of this relationship for the maintenance of health care. Method: Metasynthesis of 21 qualitative studies, performed in the...

Knowledge about HIV/AIDS and implications of establishing partnerships among Hornet® users

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of men, who have sex with men who use geolocation-based dating software, about HIV/AIDS, and the implications of establishing partnerships. Method: Descriptive study with 30 Hornet® users. The statements generated had statistical treatment in the IRaMuTeQ ...

Contraceptive behavior of Portuguese higher education students

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize the contraceptive practices of higher education students and to identify factors that contribute to the use of different contraceptive methods. Method: A cross-sectional, descriptive correlational study was carried out with a sample of 1946 students, with a mean age ...

Sexual function of undergraduate women: a comparative study between Brazil and Italy

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.3), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the sexual function of Italian and Brazilian nursing students using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), to estimate the prevalence of sexual dysfunctions and related factors. Method: this is a cross-sectional study involving 84 Brazilian and 128 Italian undergraduat...

Significados a respeito da prevenção ao HIV/aids e da sexualidade para jovens católicos

Resumo OBJETIVO Analisar as representações sociais de jovens católicos(as) quanto à prevenção ao HIV/AIDS e à sexualidade. MÉTODO Estudo misto, com base na teoria das representações sociais, realizado em 2015 com 84 jovens católicos participantes do grupo "Jornada Mundial da Juventude" no Fa...

Depression in the wives of convicted men: prevalence and associated factors

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.1), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To estimate the prevalence of depression and to identify the main risk factors associated with depression in wives of convicted men. Method: Descriptive, cross - sectional, quantitative approach. The data were collected with 349 female partners of convicted patients in three peniten...

Gender, sexuality and violence: perception of mobilized adolescents in an online game

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.1), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify and analyze the perception of high school students about violence in intimacy relations in adolescence, in the light of the category Gender. Method: A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study, based on the comments of 27 adolescents participating in the online game...

Sexual orientation and quality of life of people living with HIV/Aids

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze whether sexual orientation affects the quality of life of people living with HIV/Aids (PLWHA). Method: A cross-sectional analytical study was carried out with 146 PLWHA in Teresina, capital city of the state of Piauí, in 2013, by means of the WHOQOL-HIV-bref. Descriptive...

Therapeutic nursing care: transition in sexuality of the elderly caregiving spouse

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the transitions experienced, and the conditions and expected response patterns to changes in sexuality of the spouse-caregiver of the elderly, during progression of the dementia process. Method: A qualitative research study, conducted at the neurogeriatric clinic betwe...

Efectividad del programa psicoeducativo de educación sexual y salud reproductiva

Rev. cuba. enferm; 31 (1), 2015
Introducción: una conducta sexual adecuada basada en conocimientos sólidos sobre salud sexual y reproductiva contribuye a que los adolescentes posean una vida sexual satisfactoria. Objetivo: demostrar efectividad de la intervención psicoeducativa en féminas de la enseñanza secundaria, en un antes y ...