ABSTRACT Objective: To structure the Computerized Nursing Process using the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) version 2.0 to emergency care units in a computerized structure. Method: This is a methodological and technological research that followed the stages: (1) establishment...
ABSTRACT Objective: to construct conceptual definitions for indicators of nursing outcome Knowledge: Fall Prevention, selected for evaluation of hospitalized patients with the nursing diagnosis Risk for falls. Method: integrative literature review performed in the LILACS, MEDLINE and Web of Science dat...
ABSTRACT Objective: to clinically validate the accuracy of the defining characteristics in nursing diagnoses of Hyperthermia in newborns. Method: a cross-sectional study conducted in units of medium and high risk in a maternity from the city of Fortaleza-CE. A total of 216 newborns were evaluated to id...
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the Nursing diagnostic accuracy measures and to propose a model to use defining characteristics in order to judge the nursing diagnosis of ineffective breastfeeding. Method: Cross-sectional study with a sample of 73 binomials mom-child hospitalized in a maternity ward...
ABSTRACT Objectives: To elaborate operational definitions for the Nomenclature nursing diagnoses, interventionsand outcomes of the Pediatric Clinic at a University Hospital and carry out a validation of the content and clinical aspects of this Nomenclature. Method: Methodological research, developed in...
RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a acurácia do diagnóstico "Disposição para melhora da Esperança" em pacientes renais crônicos. Método Estudo transversal com 62 pacientes em clínica de hemodiálise entre agosto a novembro de 2015. Utilizou-se a Escala de Esperança de Herth para a construção das de...
RESUMO Objetivo Realizar o mapeamento cruzado dos termos referentes às intervenções e aos resultados de enfermagem nos prontuários dos pacientes com feridas em comparação às classificações de intervenções e aos resultados de enfermagem. Método Pesquisa observacional, retrospectiva, realiz...
Grupos Diagnósticos Relacionados,
Hospitales Universitarios,
Registros Médicos,
Evaluación en Enfermería,
Diagnóstico de Enfermería/métodos,
Diagnóstico de Enfermería/normas,
Estudios Retrospectivos,
Terminología Normalizada de Enfermería,
Resultado del Tratamiento,
Úlcera Varicosa/enfermería,
Úlcera Varicosa/terapia,
Cicatrización de Heridas,
Heridas y Lesiones,
Heridas y Lesiones/enfermería,
Heridas y Lesiones/terapia
Introducción: independientemente del nivel científicotécnico del médico que realiza la cirugía, de los recursos materiales de que se dispongan y de la tecnología de punta utilizada, no es posible una intervención quirúrgica exitosa sin la actuación de profesionales del cuidado competentes, con u...