Nursing is a discipline that traditionally considers the whole person and,
following this mandate, nursing research is also considered to have a holistic
perspective. Yet research methods demanded that the researcher focus
on some part of the person—to quantitatively measure some biological,
La práctica de enfermería hoy en día es compleja y cambiante. Como Frenk et al. (1) notan, la educación en ciencias de salud ha experimentado cambios fundamentales durante el siglo pasado; de un enfoque basado en ciencia, a currículos basados en problemas, hasta currículos basados en sistemas y com...
Being admitted to a hospital, preparing for discharge, receiving a chronic illness diagnosis, transferring from intensive care to regular care, moving to a nursing home, receiving a grave diagnosis, losing a family member, facing an environmental disaster, graduating and starting a new professional posit...
Symptoms are at the heart of nursing care. Much of what nurses do for and with patients is focused
on symptoms: measuring them, assessing factors that may inuence changes, developing prevention and
management strategies, and helping patients with ongoing monitoring and self-management. e eory of...
Dear Colleagues,
It is no secret that the frenetic pace at which globalization has advanced in the past few decades has brought
with it a set of highly critical questions for governments and many challenges for us in our role as nurses and
advocates of good quality patient care. We are not averse to chal...
La revista en su evolución y con la constante mejora en la calidad del proceso editorial ha logrado consolidarse y adquirir reconocimiento, de tal forma que en la actualidad está incluida en ocho bases de datos, entre estas, las tres principales de América Latina: La Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Region...