Resultados: 15

Applicability of Orem: training of caregiver of infant with Robin Sequence

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.3), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to report the nurses' experience in relation to the training of caregivers of infants with Isolated Robin Sequence (IRS) for maintaining care after hospital discharge from the perspective of Self-Care Theoretical Framework. Method: the following categories were considered in this ex...

Instructional therapeutic toy in the culture care of the child with diabetes type 1

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.3), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the experience of the child with diabetes type 1 in the care related to the techniques of glycemic monitoring and insulin application by use of instructional therapeutic toy, in accordance with the culture care. Method: Qualitative study with premise of the ethnonursing c...

Effectiveness of an educational intervention on knowledge-attitude-practice of older adults' caregivers

ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the knowledge, attitude and practice of older adults' caregivers before and after an educational intervention in the domains of the care between caregiver and older adult, feeding, bathing, hygiene and mobility and transportation. Method: Quasi-experimental study carried ...

Adolescent health promotion based on community-centered arts education

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the contribution of arts education to health promotion of adolescents in situations of urban social vulnerability. Method: Participatory evaluative research, with a qualitative approach, using as a reference the theoretical constructs of Paulo Freire's Conscientization a...

BANFISA e (IN)DICA-SUS na graduação em saúde: o lúdico e a construção de aprendizados

Rev. bras. enferm; 68 (1), 2015
Diante dos desafi os à formação crítica de profi ssionais de saúde, este artigo questiona se os jogos BANFISA e (IN)DICA-SUS potencializam a criatividade, o trabalho em equipe e a autonomia na graduação em saúde. Objetivos: analisar os aprendizados construídos durante as partidas dos jogos pelos...