Resultados: 21

Research in nursing and modification of the knowledge tree in CNPq: contribution to science

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify funding demands in the light of CNPq's knowledge subareas, as well as data on researchers and research groups, their distribution in the regions and their approximation with health research priorities of the Ministry of Health and the new knowledge tree framework of the a...

Nurse researchers and nursing assistants: construction and projection of polymorphous identities

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the meanings that nurse researchers and nursing assistants attribute to one another, and to the development of research produced by Nursing. Method: Qualitative research. The Grounded Theory and the Complexity Theory were used as theoretical and methodological framewor...

Development of a journal club on the Nursing management process

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To develop a journal club on management topics in Nursing. Method: Action research, adopting content analysis as methodological reference and the journal club strategy. 12 nursing managers of a public hospital in the state of São Paulo participated from August to November 2016. Re...

Aplicações da modelagem de equações estruturais na enfermagem: revisão integrativa

Analisou-se as produções científicas que utilizaram a modelagem de equações estruturais em enfermagem. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa realizada em junho de 2016 nas interfaces PUBMED, MEDLINE e LILACS. Identificaram-se 127 artigos, dos quais 20 artigos foram selecionados. As análises - qualid...

Uso da simulação clínica para aprimorar o raciocínio diagnóstico na enfermagem

Objectives: Propose a methodology for the construction of simulated scenarios and cases to improve diagnostic reasoning in nursing. Method: A methodological study was conducted using theories and concepts from the dual processing theory to develop cases and scenarios of clinical simulation for diagnosti...

Multiple case study applied in nursing research: a case report

ABSTRACT Objective: To report the experience of using the method of multiple case study. Method: We used the method of multiple case study, conducted with children and adolescents assisted in the pediatric oncology inpatient unit. Results: The steps used for the development of a multiple case study we...

Interpretive description: a viable methodological approach for nursing research

Abstract Objective: To present a theoretical reflection about the origin and the assumptions of the "Interpretive Description" method, and to discuss its applicability in Nursing and Health research. Method: Theoretical-reflective study, based on articles and books published by proponent of this approa...

Características de la entrevista fenomenológica en investigación en enfermería

RESUMEN Objetivo Reflexionar sobre las características de la entrevista fenomenológica como parte de una investigación fenomenológica en investigación en enfermería y presentar algunas recomendaciones prácticas para su realización. Método Estudio teórico reflexivo realizado en los meses de ...

Fenomenología y conocimiento disciplinar de enfermería

Rev. cuba. enferm; 29 (3), 2013
El saber generado por la(el) enfermera(o) a través de sus investigaciones y trabajo sistemático, constituye el cuerpo de conocimiento propio de Enfermería, el cual ha sido desarrollado desde sus inicios a partir de un enfoque cuantitativo. Sin embargo, este no es suficiente para comprender la discipli...