Total: 77511

Access of people with pulmonary tuberculosis to government programs: Primary Care professionals' perceptions

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.2), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze Primary Health Care professionals' perceptions about the access of people with pulmonary tuberculosis to government social support and income transfer programs. Methods: multicenter/qualitative study, carried out in Family Health Units in four Brazilian capitals: Belém/P...

Simulation-based training in Leprosy: development and validation of a scenario for community health workers

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.2), 2023
ABSTRACT Objectives: To build and validate a clinical simulation scenario designed to instruct community health workers (CHWs) in active leprosy case detection. Methods: Methodological study involving the development of a simulated clinical scenario and content validation by experts. The Content Validi...

Vulnerability to physical inactivity: evidence of content validity and response processes

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.2), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze content validity evidence and response processes of a bank of items for measuring vulnerability to physical inactivity in adults. Method: Methodological study, with 13 specialists and 46 representatives of the target population. The Content Validity Index (CVI) and binomi...

Transphobia as a social disease: discourses of vulnerabilities in trans men and transmasculine people

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.2), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the repercussions of transphobia on trans men's and transmasculine people's health. Method: a qualitative study carried out with 38 participants, 35 trans men and three trans men, who attended specialized transgender health services in Bahia, Brazil. In-depth interviews w...

Knowledge and practices about health among Quilombola men: contributions to health care

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.2), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze health knowledge and practices among Quilombola men. Methods: a qualitative, descriptive study, carried out with 40 men from two Quilombola communities in Santa Izabel do Pará, state of Pará, Brazil. Individual interviews were carried out using a semi-structured script....

Fear of COVID-19 when experiencing pregnancy or childbirth in the pandemic: what are the associated factors?

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.2), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify factors associated with fear of COVID-19 among women who experienced pregnancy or childbirth during the pandemic. Methods: a cross-sectional study, nested within a prospective cohort, using an online survey, from August 2021 to February 2022, based on descriptive data an...

Development of educational videos about bathing in bed newborns admitted to a neonatal unit

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.2), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: to develop and analyze evidence of content validity of educational videos about bathing newborns in bed in a neonatal unit. Method: applied and methodological research, carried out from December/2020 to February/2022, in three phases: pre-production, production, post-production. Val...

Nursing and waste management in health services: unveiling meanings in the hospital context

ABSTRACT Objective: To unveil the meanings that nursing professionals attribute to practices related to waste management in health services, within the hospital context. Method: Qualitative research, whose theoretical and methodological references were, respectively, Complexity Theory and Grounded Theo...

Emotional intelligence of health personnel and safety climate in hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the relationship between the emotional intelligence of healthcare workers in a hospital environment and their perception of the safety climate in the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Cross-sectional, analytical study, carried out with 81 health workers who worked in hospitals...

Validation of an evaluation matrix for the nursing process in the hospital context

ABSTRACT Objective: To validate the content of an evaluation matrix for the nursing process in the hospital context. Method: A methodological study conducted in four stages, carried out from March to December 2022. Including: bibliographic research and selection of structuring foundations; construction...