Total: 77083

Efficacy of a program in increasing coping strategies in firefighters: randomized clinical trial

Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of a program in increasing coping strategies focused on military firefighters' problems and emotions. Method: randomized, parallel, single-masked clinical trial. The sample consisted of 51 participants in the intervention group and 49 in the control group. The in...

Quality indicators for the processing of health products: A mixed-methods study

Objective: to analyze the use of quality assessment indicators and their implementation to improve quality in the processing of health products. Method: a mixed-methods study with a multiple case approach using Structure, Process and Results indicators and elaboration of a plan using Appreciative Inquir...

Baby Date: a mobile application for teaching nursing care to newborns in primary care

Objective: to develop and validate a mobile application for teaching undergraduates about the first nursing visit to a newborn in primary care. Method: methodological study with an Instructional Design framework; content drawn up from scientific documents on caring for newborns and their families, suppo...

Learning demands of diabetes self-management: a qualitative study with people who use insulin

Objective: to understand the experiences with diabetes mellitus management of people who use insulin, in order to identify possible factors that may influence adherence to self-care and thus define their learning demands for diabetes self-management. Method: this is a qualitative study carried out using...

Role adoption, anxiety, depression and loneliness in family caregivers of patients with chronic diseases

Objective: to describe and explore the relationship of loneliness, anxiety and depression with adoption of the caregiver role among individuals caring for people with chronic diseases in Colombia. Methods: this was an exploratory and cross-sectional study involving 960 primary caregivers of individuals ...

Usability of the ROBOVID mobile app for health education about COVID-19

Objective: to evaluate the usability of the ROBOVID mobile application for health education about COVID-19. Method: methodological study with an applied quantitative approach, developed with 21 adults, using an electronic form. Usability was assessed using the System Usability Scale. The Statistical Pac...

Suicide prevention in a virtual environment: a roadmap for simulation-based education

Objective: to build and validate a simulation-based education roadmap on suicide prevention in the virtual environment. Method: methodological research subdivided into a development and validation stage. The roadmap was built using a previously drafted template based on international guidelines on good ...

Perceived stress, optimism-pessimism, psychological adjustment, and death distress of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic

Objective: the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between death distress, psychological adjustment, optimism, pessimism and perceived stress among nurses working during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: this study was designed as cross-sectional/cohort. The population of the study involve...

Prevenção e controlo da infeção do local cirúrgico: Projeto de implementação da prática baseada na evidência

Enquadramento - As infeções do local cirúrgico (ILC) podem causar danos significativos ao doente, como aumento do tempo de internamento, readmissões, sofrimento ou mesmo morte. Estima-se que 50% dessas infeções podem ser prevenidas. A implementação de prática baseada na evidência (PBE), é fund...

Relationships between sleep, quality of life and anxiety in patients undergoing cardiac surgeries

Objective: the objective of this study is to examine the relationships between sleep, quality of life and anxiety in patients undergoing cardiac surgeries during the preoperative period, at discharge, two weeks after discharge and three months after discharge. Method: this study had a prospective, descr...