Resultados: 300

Gender violence: social representations of relatives

Texto & contexto enferm; 25 (4), 2016
ABSTRACT This study aimed at analyzing the social representations of gender violence by family members. A qualitative study based upon the Theory of Social Representations. The free word association test was undertaken by 81 relatives of women who suffered gender violence registered in Family Health Unit...

Gender subordination in the vulnerability of women to domestic violence

Invest. educ. enferm; 34 (2), 2016
Objective.To create and validate an instrument that identifies women's vulnerability to domestic violence through gender subordination indicators in the family. Methods. An instrument consisting on 61 phrases was created, that indicates gender subordination in the family. After the assessment from ten ju...

Violencia intrafamiliar contra la mujer

Rev. cuba. enferm; 32 (1), 2016
Introducción: la violencia hacia el ser humano es un fenómeno de ocurrencia mundial, en el que la mujer es el grupo más vulnerable, afectando su bienestar, seguridad, posibilidades de educación y de desarrollo personal. Objetivo: caracterizar la violencia intrafamiliar contra las mujeres en el consul...

Intencionalidade da ação de Cuidar mulheres em situação de violência: contribuições para a Enfermagem e Saúde

Objetivo: Apreender as motivações da ação da enfermeira ao cuidar de mulheres em situação de violência. Métodos: Pesquisa qualitativa, fundamentada na Fenomenologia Sociológica de Alfred Schutz. Realizaram-se dez entrevistas com enfermeiras que haviam cuidado dessas mulheres em um Hospital e, P...


Texto & contexto enferm; 25 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT: This study aimed at analysing social representation of family relationships in the context of gender-based violence. This qualitative research was based on the Theory of Social Representations and it was conducted with 19 family members of women in the situation of gender-based violence, regist...

Vítimas de violência sexual atendidas em um serviço de referência

Cogit. Enferm. (Online); 20 (2), 2015
Objetivou-se conhecer aspectos da violência sexual e adesão das vítimas ao seguimento ambulatorial. Estudo transversal, com coleta retrospectiva de dados em um serviço de referência no estado do Paraná. A coleta foi realizada de fevereiro a maio de 2014 mediante fichas de notificação de 2009 a ...

Profile of the aggressor and factors associated with violence against women

Cogit. Enferm. (Online); 21 (1), 2016
The objective was to analyze the aggressor’s profile and the factors associated with violence against women. A cross-sectional and documentary study was undertaken at the Women’s Police Station in the city of Vitória de Santo Antão, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. A census sample of 512 forms was used...

Predominio de violencia en la población del cantón de Tibás: enero, 2012 a julio, 2014

ResumenIntroducción:El objetivo de la presente investigación es identificar el predominio de violencia en la población del cantón de Tibás, de enero del año 2012 a julio, del 2014. La violencia implica posibilidad de daño o daño en sí, lo cual afecta negativamente la salud de las personas ya sea...

Women's primary care nursing in situations of gender violence

Invest. educ. enferm; 33 (3), 2015
Objective.Identify the actions conducted by primary health care nurses for women in situations of domestic violence. Methodology. Exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Participants were 17 nurses who worked in the Basic Health Unit in a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, Braz...

Violência física por parceiro íntimo na gestação: prevalência e alguns fatores associados

Aquichan; 15 (3), 2015
Identificar alguns fatores associados com a violência física por parceiro íntimo na gestação. Estudo transversal, com 358 puérperas residentes no município de Maringá (Paraná), atendidas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde, em que foi utilizado o instrumento World Health Organization Violence Against ...