Resultados: 409

Nursing work organization in long-stay institutions for the elderly: relationship to pleasure and suffering at work

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (3), 2015
The aim of this study was to understand the nursing work organization in long-stay institutions for the elderly and its relationship to pleasure and suffering at work. Data were collected through observation and interviews between April and September 2013 and submitted to content analysis, in light of De...

Association between depression and work stress in nursing professionals with technical education level

AbstractObjective: to analize the relationship between depression and work stress in nursing professionals with technical education level of a teaching hospital in a city of the state of São Paulo.Methods: a cross-sectional study was carried out with 310 nursing technicians and nursing assistants, rando...

Percepção de enfermeiras sobre a tensão do papel de cuidador

Rev. baiana enferm; 29 (2), 2015
Pesquisa qualitativa com o objetivo de identificar a percepção de enfermeiras da atenção domiciliar sobre a tensão do papel de cuidador. O instrumento de coleta de dados utilizado foi a entrevista semiestruturada aplicada em 2014. Participaram da pesquisa sete enfermeiras do Serviço de Atenção Do...

Professional burnout, stress and job satisfaction of nursing staff at a university hospital


to describe the social and work characteristics of the nursing staff at a tertiary hospital in the Public Health Service of Andalucía, to assess the degree of professional professional burnout and job satisfaction of those professionals and to study the possible relati...

Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among nursing personnel and its association with occupational stress, anxiety and depression


to identify the prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among nursing personnel, and its association with occupational stress, anxiety and depression.


a descriptive correlational study undertaken with 226 nursing personnel from a teaching...

Analysis of the changes and difficulties arising from kidney transplantation: a qualitative study


to identify the main gains and stressors perceived by the patient, one year subsequent to kidney transplantation.


a qualitative study, in which the data were obtained and analyzed through the Discourse of the Collective Subject and...

Ethical competence as a coping resource for moral distress in nursing

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (2), 2015
The study's objectives were: to seek evidence on ethical situations experienced by nurses in the health services; to identify the coping resources which they use; and to ascertain the role of ethical competence in coping with moral distress. The integrative literature review was used as the method. The s...

Diferencias de género en la percepción de estrés y estrategias de afrontamiento en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal que reciben quimioterapia

Aquichan; 15 (1), 2015
Objetivo: verificar si existen diferencias de género en la percepción de estrés y estrategias de afrontamiento; identificar las estrategias de afrontamiento y las variables clínicas y sociodemográficas que influyen sobre el estrés de pacientes con cáncer colorrectal en quimioterapia. Materiales y ...

Relacionamento interpessoal da equipe de enfermagem x estresse: limitações para a prática

Cogitare enferm; 19 (2), 2014
Estudo descritivo com o objetivo de analisar a relação entre o relacionamento interpessoal e o estresse dos profissionais da equipe de enfermagem da unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital universitário de Natal-RN, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista semiestruturada entre sete...

Auriculoterapia Chinesa para melhoria de qualidade de vida de equipe de Enfermagem

Rev. bras. enferm; 68 (1), 2015
Objetivo: avaliar a efi cácia da auriculoterapia para melhoria de qualidade de vida e redução de estresse em equipe de Enfermagem. Método: ensaio clínico randomizados 175 sujeitos em Controle (G1), Grupo Protocolo(G2) e sem Protocolo(G3). Foram avaliados pela Lista de Sintomas de Stress e SF36v2 no ...