Resultados: 44

Nursing errors in the media: patient safety in the window

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the nursing errors reported by the journalistic media and interpret the main implications of this communication for the visibility of this problem. Method: Documental research, qualitative, descriptive and exploratory, with data collected in news reports from Brazil and P...

Socialization of nurses in the Family Health Strategy: contributions to professional identity

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify how socialization of nurses in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) influences their professional identity. Method: Exploratory, descriptive research, whose theoretical-methodological framework was dialectical hermeneutics, anchored in the premises of the Sociology of Professi...

Operationality of concepts in Heideggerian phenomenological investigation: epistemological reflection on Nursing

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the investigative path of analysis and the operationality of concepts based on Martin Heidegger's theoretical and philosophical framework. Method: Theoretical reflection on the phenomenon of pregnancy in a woman with heart disease. Results: Stages of the investigative m...

Saberes científicos e populares na Estratégia Saúde da Família na perspectiva hermenêutica-dialética

OBJETIVO: analisar os saberes de caráter científico e popular de enfermeiros e agentes comunitários de saúde (ACS) das unidades de Saúde da Família do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Método: estudo na perspectiva hermenêutica-dialética, onde foram entrevistados 16 enfermeiros e...

O ser-com-o-outro na condição sorodiscordante: uma abordagem fenomenológica da vulnerabilidade individual ao HIV

Compreender a sorodiscordância e a vulnerabilidade individual ao HIV nas relações de ser-com-o-outro sorodiscordante. Estudo qualitativo, ancorado na Fenomenologia Hermenêutica de Martin Heidegger. Participaram do estudo oito pacientes soropositivos e suas parcerias sorodiscordantes, totalizando ...

Social construction of the experience of living with chronic kidney disease

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the experience of people living with Chronic Kidney Disease who have been transplanted, from the meanings constructed based on the experienced phenomenon. Method: Hermeneutic-phenomenological study based on the five lifeworld existentials, according to Van Manen's theo...

A hermenêutica e o software Atlas. ti: união promissora

Texto & contexto enferm; 26 (4), 2017
RESUMO Objetivo: descrever uma possibilidade de associação da análise hermenêutica, com base em Jürgen Habermas e Paul Ricoeur, com as principais funcionalidades do software Atlas.ti. Método: reflexão teórico-metodológica que tem como objetivo descrever uma possibilidade de associação da an...

Círculo hermenêutico heideggeriano: uma possibilidade de interpretação do cuidado de enfermagem

Texto & contexto enferm; 26 (4), 2017
RESUMO Objetivo: refletir sobre a possibilidade de interpretação do cuidado nas pesquisas em enfermagem a partir do círculo hermenêutico heideggeriano. Método: trata-se de uma reflexão com base no círculo hermenêutico heideggeriano, de modo a contribuir com o entendimento do método, salientand...

Impact of critical illness news on the family: hermeneutic phenomenological study

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: Understand the impact of critical-illness news on the experience of family members at an Intensive Care Unit. Method: Phenomenological approach according to Van Manen's method. Open interviews were held with 21 family members. From analysis and interpretation of the data, three esse...

Los posibles sentidos del cuidado: el cuidar de sí y el cuidar de otros

Invest. educ. enferm; 35 (2), 2017
Objective. To understand and to reflect about care based on the experiences of managers, professionals and users of maternal and child health services. Methods. We developed an evaluative research with a qualitative approach in a Northeastern state of Brazil with extensive experience in the regionalizati...