Resultados: 550

Parada cardiorrespiratória na pandemia por coronavírus: revisão compreensiva da literatura

Objetivo: apresentar atualizações para a ressuscitação cardiopulmonar em pacientes suspeitos e confirmados com COVID-19. Método: revisão compreensiva da literatura, com síntese narrativa das evidências de diretrizes e recomendações da Organização Mundial de Saúde, Associação de Medicina In...

A COVID-19 e o papel dos sistemas de informação e das tecnologias na atenção primária

Atenção centrada na resposta à COVID-19: identificar, informar, conter, manejar e encaminhar. Os sistemas de informação em saúde — por meio do acesso oportuno a dados devidamente desagregados, a correta integração dos sistemas nacionais e locais, a saúde digital e o uso das tecnologias da info...

Effect of income on the cumulative incidence of COVID-19: an ecological study

ABSTRACT Objective to analyze the relationship between per capita income and the cumulative incidence of COVID-19 in the neighborhoods of the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Method an ecological study using neighborhoods as units of analysis. The cumulative incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants an...

Estimation and prediction of COVID-19 cases in Brazilian metropolises

Objective to estimate the transmission rate, the epidemiological peak, and the number of deaths by the new coronavirus. Method a mathematical and epidemiological model of susceptible, infected, and recovered cases was applied to the nine Brazilian capitals with the highest number of cases of the infect...

Which curve provides the best explanation of the growth in confirmed COVID-19 cases in Chile?

Objective to explore the best type of curve or trend model that could explain the epidemiological behavior of the infection by COVID-19 and derive the possible causes that contribute to explain the corresponding model and the health implications that can be inferred. Method data were collected from the ...

COVID-19 and the production of knowledge regarding recommendations during pregnancy: a scoping review

Objective to map the production of knowledge regarding recommendations for providing care to pregnant women dealing with the novel coronavirus. Method scoping review, using a broadened strategy to search databases and repositories, as well as the reference lists in the sources used. Data were collected a...

Burnout and its influencing factors between frontline nurses and nurses from other wards during the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease -COVID-19- in Iran

Invest. educ. enferm; 38 (2), 2020
Objective. To assess burnout level during an outbreak of COVID-19 and to identify influencing factors between frontline nurses and nurses from other wards. Methods. This cross-sectional study makes comparison between two groups of nurses including frontline (exposure group) and other nurses working in us...

Atuação de estudantes de enfermagem na pandemia de Covid-19

OBJETIVO: refletir sobre a atuação de estudantes de graduação em enfermagem durante a pandemia de Covid-19. DESENVOLVIMENTO: ao se considerarem os recentes acontecimentos no cenário da saúde brasileira e as ações estratégicas que incluem os estudantes de enfermagem no combate à pandemia, reflex...