Qualitative study that used the framework of Fourth Generation Assessment and aimed to apprehend the perception of professionals, users and family members, about the nurse's practice at a psychiatric emergency service. Data were collected from February to June 2014, involving with 15 professionals, nine ...
This is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in which 214 nursing students from the University of Barcelona participated, in order to examine and assess the state and management of their household medicine chests. A semi-structured questionnaire specifically prepared for the study was use...
This study aimed to analyze the association between the duration of the nap and the variables gender, age, education, family income, frailty levels and frailty criteria of community-dwelling elderly. This was a descriptive and cross-sectional study, an excerpt from the multicenter project Frailty in Elde...
The objective of this study was to identify the acknowledgement of welcoming as a form of nursing care in the experience of primary care nurses. This is a qualitative research, guided by Alfred Schutz' social phenomenology. The participants were nine nurses working in health centers in the city of Campin...
Descriptive, exploratory, qualitative study that aimed to analyze the perceptions of professional certification disqualification by the Hospital Accreditation. A hospital was selectedthat lost the title of Accredited with Excellence. Twenty-three professionals participated who were working in care or hos...
Este estudo objetivou interpretar, na experiência vivida pela família na unidade de cuidados intensivos, a sensibilidade dos profissionais relativamente à sua necessidade de informação. Realizaram-se entrevistas abertas a 21 pessoas adultas, famíliares dos paciente que estiveram internadoss em cuid...
Objetiva-se compreender como a Educação Permanente em Saúde é desenvolvida no cotidiano dos profissionais de uma residência multiprofissional em saúde, de um hospital de ensino no Sul do Brasil. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso, com 16 profissionais. Os resultados mostra...
A descriptive study with a qualitative approach that aimed to identify the repercussions of ostomy construction on the living process of people with an ostomy. The study was performed at a Stomatherapy Service from a university hospital in southern Brazil, in the first semester of 2011, with eight patien...
Objetivou-se conhecer como os enfermeiros vêm exercendo a advocacia do paciente no contexto hospitalar. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo exploratório-descritiva, em um hospital universitário do Sul do Brasil. Foram respondentes da pesquisa 16 enfermeiros, selecionados por meio de amostrag...