Resultados: 77

Dynamics of the social network of young female transsexuals that live and deal with HIV/AIDS

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the social network of young female transsexuals who live with HIV/AIDS. Method: descriptive and exploratory study of qualitative approach, based on the Social Network Theory, developed in a Brazilian reference hospital for HIV/AIDS, with six transsexual women. Individual ...

Aspectos associados à qualidade de vida das profissionais do sexo

Objetivo: analisar os aspectos sociodemográficos e laborais associados à qualidade de vida das profissionais do sexo. Método: trata-se de estudo quantitativo, descritivo, exploratório, censitário, de corte transversal. Utilizou-se formulário semi estruturado e se analisou os dados pelo software SPS...

The epistemological construction of transsexuality: the science, nursing and common sense

Abstract Objective: To know the common sense of transsexual women in reaction to the transsexual process and to discuss the epistemological construction about the transsexuality and nursing in this process. Method: Qualitative research, carried out between May and June 2017, with 90 transsexual women a...

Attitudes toward persons who abuse drugs in one urban community on the island of New Providence, Bahamas

Texto & contexto enferm; 28 (spe), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to explore the attitudes toward persons who abuse drugs (alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine) in one urban community on the Island of New Providence, in the Bahamas. Method: a cross-sectional survey was utilized to get the data. The sample size was 126 respondents. Results: attitudes...

Motivos da ação do redutor de danos junto ao usuário de drogas: um estudo fenomenológico

Resumo OBJETIVO Apreender os motivos da ação do redutor de danos ao desempenhar suas atividades junto ao usuário de drogas. MÉTODO Pesquisa qualitativa, realizada em um município do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brasil, em maio de 2017, por meio da entrevista fenomenológica com 17 Redutores d...

Preconceito aos indivíduos com transtorno mental como agravo do sofrimento

Objetivo: analisar a percepção dos indivíduos com transtornos mentais sobre o preconceito, fatores, sofrimento psíquico gerado e o enfrentamento. Método: estudo qualitativo, exploratório e descritivo. Foram entrevistados, com a aplicação de questionário semiestruturado, 21 participantes atendido...

Representações sociais dos transtornos mentais

Objetivo: refletir sobre as representações sociais dos transtornos mentais e/ou da doença metal. Método: estudo descritivo, tipo análise reflexiva, realizado um levantamento de dados na base de dados LILACS e Periódicos CAPES, com artigos publicados no período de 2000 a 2016. Resultados: as princi...

Trajectory of adaptations done by families of children and teenagers with low vision

ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the experience of families of children and adolescents with visual impairment with an emphasis on the adaptations made in daily life. Method: qualitative, research, which used as a theoretical reference the Symbolic Interactionism and analysis of narrative as method. D...

Quality of life of patients on peritoneal dialysis and its impact on the social dimension

Abstract Objective: evaluate the quality of life of patients with Chronic Kidney Disease on peritoneal dialysis using the KDQOL-SF tool. Method: quantitative-qualitative approach, carried out in August 2017 with 10 patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis followed-up at a clinic specialized in Renal R...

Narratives of young people on same-sex relationships about their path and implications for mental health

ABSTRACT Objective: To know the life path of young people in same-sex relationship from the discovery of their sexual orientation and the confrontation of problems arising from it, contextualizing situations that affect their mental health and reflect on the role of nursing in care, within the scope of ...