Resultados: 682

Sentimentos existenciais expressos por usuários da casa de apoio para pessoas com câncer

Objetivo: Objetivou-se compreender o significado do acolhimento em casas de apoio para os usuários com câncer, durante o tratamento antineoplásico fora de suas cidades. Métodos: Embasado pela fenomenologia heideggeriana. Foram entrevistados 15 usuários de uma casa de apoio filantrópica localizada n...

Mortality due to cervical cancer, 1996-2011, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (4), 2014
Population-based quantitative study. This study's objectives were to examine the influence of regions, age, and time on cervical cancer mortality. We analyzed cervical cancer mortality rates in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil between 1996 and 2011. Data were obtained from the Mortality Information Sy...

I survived cancer: phenomenological analysis of the survivors' language

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (4), 2014
The study attempted to understand the feelings of people who have survived cancer, through qualitative research with Heidegger's phenomenological approach. The study subjects were five cancer survivors, followed up during 2004 and 2005 through a university extension project in the northwestern region of ...

Cancer repercussions on play in children: implications for nursing care

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (4), 2014
The study aimed to identify cancer repercussions on play among children in oncological treatment. This was qualitative research implemented according to a creative and sensible method. Twenty-two family members of seven children in ambulatory cancer treatment in a hospital from Rio de Janeiro participate...

La lección de optimismo de un paciente con cáncer: una experiencia de cuidado recíproco

Av. enferm; 32 (1), 2014
Objetivo: Analizar el cuidado recíproco que da la enfermera a través de una Situación de enfermería. Método: Con base en la guía para el análisis de situaciones de enfermería desarrollada por el Grupo de Cuidado al Paciente Crónico y su Familia de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, se tomó un...

The treatment of childhood cancer: unveiling the experience of parents

OBJECTIVE: to understand the experiences of parents of children and adolescents with cancer undergoing treatment. METHOD: qualitative research, based on Heidegger's existential phenomenology, in which 13 parents of eight patients under 19 years of age, assisted by a charity association, were interviewed....

Measurement of fatigue in children and adolescents with cancer: an integrative review

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (2), 2014
This study analyzed scientific production on the measurement of fatigue in children and adolescents with cancer, particularly the instruments used. Integrative review, searching in PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science, CINAHL, LILACS, SciELO, IBECS and COCHRANE, without any time restriction, using key words ...

Self-care of elderly cancer patients undergoing outpatient treatment

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (1), 2014
This is a qualitative descriptive study with the aim to analyze the self-care of elderly cancer patients undergoing outpatient treatment, from the perspective of their autonomy. Fifteen elderly individuals undergoing treatment in a blood-oncology outpatient center of a university hospital participated in...

Vivir con cáncer: una experiencia de cambios profundos provocados por la quimioterapia

Aquichan; 14 (1), 2014
Objetivo: develar las experiencias de mujeres chilenas con cáncer en tratamiento con quimioterapia. Materiales y método: estudio de investigación cualitativa fenomenológica según el pensamiento filosófico de Martín Heidegger. Se entrevistaron en profundidad a 10 mujeres entre 45 y 64 años, con di...

Valoración de estrategias de afrontamiento, a nivel ambulatorio, del dolor crónico en personas con cáncer

Aquichan; 13 (3), 2013
Actualmente el dolor es conocido como un síntoma desagradable que nace de la interacción de la persona con su entorno y consigo misma, y es responsabilidad del profesional de enfermería evaluarlo a fin de establecer acciones concretas para su atención. Objetivo: valorar las estrategias de afrontamien...