Total: 77083

Effectiveness of the self-regulation educational program in increasing knowledge about COVID-19 in Peruvian soldiers

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.1), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the educational program based on self-regulation of learning in the level of knowledge about COVID-19 in the soldiers. Methods: Pre-experimental study with a pre-test and post-test design with a single group, carried out in 2020. 179 soldiers from P...

Pleasure and suffering of nursing in COVID-19 hospital units: between disenchantment and formation of meanings

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.1), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the experiences of pleasure and suffering of nursing workers in COVID-19 hospital units. Methods: a multicenter, qualitative study, developed with 35 nursing workers from COVID-19 units in seven hospitals in southern Brazil. Data were produced through semi-structured inte...

Validity of a booklet to promote the health of people with diabetes in the face of COVID-19

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 76 (supl.1), 2023
ABSTRACT Objectives: to validate the content and appearance of a booklet to promote the health of people with diabetes mellitus in the face of COVID-19. Methods: a methodological study, carried out in a virtual environment with experts who had practical and scientific experience in diabetes mellitus, f...

Transsexuality and health demands: representations of nursing students

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the social representations of nursing students about transsexuality and the health demands of transsexual people. Methods: Qualitative, descriptive research with undergraduate nursing students from a public university in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil. The data came from a semi-s...

Nursing professionals' education on the spiritual dimension of critical patients

ABSTRACT Objective To describe and analyze the nursing professionals' education on the spiritual dimension of critically ill patients. Methodology A qualitative, descriptive, exploratory study, using the Thematic Oral History as a framework. Fourteen nursing professionals from a teachinghospital in the...

Experience of ambulance drivers on transfer of suspected or confirmed patients for COVID-19

ABSTRACT Objective: To unveil the experience of ambulance drivers regarding the transfer of suspected or confirmed patients for COVID-19. Method: Exploratory study with a qualitative approach conducted in October 2021 with 18 drivers from the Northwestern Mesoregion of the State of Ceará-Brazil. The...

Incidence and time until the first traction or obstruction of the nasoenteral tube in hospitalized adults

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine incidence and time until first traction or obstruction of nasoenteral tube in hospitalized adults. Methods: Prospective double cohort study that included 494 adults who were users of nasoenteral tubes as inpatients in two clinical units and two surgical units in a teach...

Working conditions in COVID-19 hospital units: perceptions of nursing workers

ABSTRACT Objective: To know the perceptions of nursing workers about their working conditions in COVID-19 hospital units. Method: Qualitative, descriptive, multicenter study, carried out in September 2020 and July 2021 with 35 nursing workers from COVID-19 units of seven hospitals in Rio Grande do Su...

Strategies to combat COVID-19 in long -term care facilities for older people

ABSTRACT Objective To describe the strategies to combat COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Facilities for older people in Bahia state. Methodology This is a qualitative study based on documentary analysis of the collection produced by the Intersectoral Committee on Monitoring Long-Term Care for older people in...

Factors associated with the proportion of abnormal results in screening mammograms: ecological study

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the factors associated with the proportion of abnormal results in screening mammograms. Methods: Ecological study, with data from DATASUS/SISCAN, Atlas Brasil do Desenvolvimento Humano, Fundação SEADE, and Sistema e-Gestor, from 2016 to 2019, of women aged 50 to 69 ye...