Resultados: 3

Experiences of high-risk parturient women with the use of non-invasive care technologies

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze high-risk parturient women's experiences with the use of non-invasive nursing care technologies during labor. Method: this is qualitative and descriptive research, with twenty high-risk postpartum women admitted to a tertiary maternity hospital in the state of Rio de Jan...

Tecnologias não invasivas na assistência às parturientes de alto risco: percepções de enfermeiras obstétricas

Rev Rene (Online); 22 (), 2021
RESUMO Objetivo conhecer as percepções de enfermeiras obstétricas sobre os fatores relacionados com o uso das tecnologias não invasivas de cuidado na assistência às parturientes de alto risco. Métodos estudo qualitativo, com 10 enfermeiras obstétricas do centro obstétrico de uma maternidade ...

Non-invasive care technologies: nurses' contributions to the demedicalization of health care in a high-risk maternity hospital

ABSTRACT Objective: to discuss the use of non-invasive care technologies by nurse-midwives in a high-risk maternity hospital. Method: a descriptive and qualitative study with ten nurse-midwives who work at the obstetric center of a high-risk maternity at a university hospital in Rio de Janeiro City. Da...