Resultados: 111

Adherence to standard precautions in university hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed study

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 58 (), 2024
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze adherence to standard precautions by healthcare professionals and associated factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazilian university hospitals. Method: Multicenter study, with a mixed approach, with a concomitant incorporated strategy and a sample of 559 health profe...

Software development for the assistance to be provided to workers after accidents involving biological material

ABSTRACT Objective: to develop a prototype web-based software program for managing the assistance to be provided to workers after accidents involving exposure to biological material. Method: a research study on technological production involving the development of web-based software using the Agile S...

Ergonomic risks and musculoskeletal pain in hospital cleaning workers: Convergent Care Research with mixed methods

Objective: to analyze exposure to ergonomic risks and the occurrence of musculoskeletal pain in workers in the Hospital Cleaning Service. Method: Convergent Care Research, with data production designed using mixed methods, implemented with 149 hospital cleaning workers. The methodological strategy of th...

Burnout, ethical climate and work organization in covid-19 intensive care units: mixed method study

Rev. bras. enferm; 76 (supl.3), 2023
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the association between burnout and the perception of the ethical climate in nursing professionals in the covid-19 Intensive Care Unit and the relationship with the organization of work from the perspective of managers of these units. Methods: mixed method study conducte...

Work intensification from nursing workers' perspective

ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the factors that intensify work from the perspective of nursing professionals working in medical and surgical clinical units. Method: this is a descriptive, exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, carried out with 18 nursing professionals working at a universi...

Medidas de proteção contra COVID-19 sob ótica dos profissionais de saúde: Estudo transversal e analítico

Referência; serVI (2), 2023
Resumo Enquadramento: A utilização de medidas de proteção por profissionais de saúde pode estar associada à prevenção do risco de contaminação pela COVID-19. Objetivo: Analisar o uso de medidas de proteção por profissionais de saúde contra COVID-19 num complexo hospitalar numa capital br...

Care for potential brain-dead organ donors in an adult emergency room: a convergent care perspective

ABSTRACT Objective: to investigate situations that interfere with health professionals' performance, in the identification and maintenance of potential brain-dead donors in an Adult Emergency Care Unit, and to indicate actions, from the health team's perception, that can promote care for these patients....

Acidentes de trabalho com material biológico e medidas protetivas adotadas na COVID-19

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho com material biológico e as medidas protetivas adotadas por profissionais de saúde, durante a pandemia por COVID-19, em um complexo hospitalar do sul do Brasil. Métodos Pesquisa descritiva, analítica, exploratória e quantitativa, des...

Factores asociados a la infección por SARS-CoV-2 en profesionales de la salud de hospitales universitarios

Objetivo: investigar los factores asociados a la infección por SARSCoV-2 en los profesionales de la salud de hospitales universitarios. Método: estudio multicéntrico, con abordaje mixto con estrategia incorporada concomitante, realizado con 559 profesionales en la etapa cuantitativa, y 599 en la etap...

Ambiente de prática profissional dos enfermeiros em hospitais universitários brasileiros: estudo transversal multicêntrico

Resumo Objetivo Analisar e comparar o ambiente da prática profissional de enfermeiros de três hospitais universitários do Brasil e verificar possíveis associações com variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais. Métodos Estudo multicêntrico, transversal com abordagem quantitativa, realizado...