ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the cognitive cost of work for military police officers in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Method: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, carried out with 446 military police officers, of both sexes, distributed between non-commissioned officers and off...
ABSTRACT Objective: to elaborate, based on the assessment of the nursing team's flushing practice, a care technology prototype aimed at promoting good practices in intravenous catheter maintenance in intensive care. Method: a technology elaboration study, developed in three stages: flushing practice a...
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the repercussions of sickle cell disease and sickle cell ulcer for men in the world of work and discuss the challenges faced to remain in the work environment. Method: A qualitative study, developed at the dressing clinic and at a stomatherapy clinic. Twenty men with sick...
ABSTRACT Objective: to assess elderly people's quality of life, understanding the social representations of falls. Methods: a convergent mixed methods research carried out at homes, with a sample of 134 elderly people. A structured questionnaire was used, covering sociodemographic variables and factors...
Enquadramento: Qualidade de vida (QV) é um constructo complexo, multidimensional e marcado pela subjetividade. Investigar a QV nos profissionais de enfermagem da atenção primária à saúde é importante para a contribuição para a promoção da saúde destes profissionais, repercutindo-se na populaÃ...
Objetivos durante a punção venosa periférica, recomenda-se o uso de um garrote acima do local da punção para potencializar a distensão venosa. Dadas as suas caracterÃsticas e o uso em ambientes clÃnicos, os garrotes podem representar uma fonte de disseminação de micro-organismos. Entretanto, os...
RESUMO Trata-se de um relato de experiência que aborda a vivência de alunas do curso de pós-graduação Mestrado em Enfermagem na disciplina Tecnologia em Saúde e em Enfermagem. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever o processo de concepção de uma tecnologia para o cuidado em enfermagem e saúde....
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to analyze the profile of consumption of psychoactive substances in the past three months and their association with sociodemographic variables. A cross-sectional study was conducted with users of the Family Health Strategy in the perspective of the brief intervention, ...
Objective To develop the cross-cultural validation and assessment of the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire about the quality and satisfaction dimensions of patients with primary health care. Methods Methodological cultural adaptation and assessment study of the psychometric properties, involvi...
A representação do câncer tende a ser negativa pela ansiedade, medo, dor, perda e incerteza do diagnóstico, tratamento e acompanhamento. Os hospitais oncológicos têm caracterÃsticas particulares em termos dos estados emocionais gerados, afetando profissionais de saúde, pacientes e familiares. Os ...