Resultados: 2

Technologies used in the treatment of burn victims in intensive care: a scope review

Rev. bras. enferm; 77 (1), 2024
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the technologies used by the nursing team in the treatment of skin lesions caused by burns in patients under intensive care. Methods: this is a scope review conducted on the LILACS, Medline, PubMed, and CINAHL databases without temporal or language restrictions. Results...

Nursing theories in the care of stroke patients: a scoping review

Rev. bras. enferm; 76 (5), 2023
ABSTRACT Objectives: to map and synthesize nursing theories and conceptual frameworks that have been applied in the practice of nursing care for stroke patients in hospital settings. Methods: a scoping review was conducted in October 2022 using the MEDLINE (accessed via PubMed), CINAHL, Scielo, and Web...