Resultados: 66

Glicose 25% no alívio da dor de recém-nascidos durante punção arterial e venosa: uma revisão de escopo

REME rev. min. enferm; 25 (), 2021
RESUMO O objetivo foi mapear o conhecimento sobre o uso da solução de glicose 25% no alívio da dor de recém-nascidos durante a punção arterial e venosa. Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo. Realizada busca em oito fontes de dados (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Literatura ...

Impact of COVID-19 in patients with cancer: a scoping review

ABSTRACT Objective: to map the knowledge about SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with cancer in terms of clinical manifestations, treatment, and prognosis. Method: a scoping review based on the Joanna Briggs Institute theoretical framework, registered in the Open Science Framework ( A se...

Root Cause Analysis, Failures and Effects in pediatric total quality management: a scoping review

Rev. bras. enferm; 74 (6), 2021
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the applicability of Root Cause Analysis and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis tools, aiming to improve care in pediatric units. Methods: this is a scoping review carried out according to the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines, following the Preferred Reporting Items for ...

Non-pharmacological therapies for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder among emergency responders: a scoping review

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: Identify non-pharmacological therapies for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in emergency responders. Method: Scope review according to the guidelines of the Joanna Briggs Institute and the PRISMA-ScR protocol. A search was conducted in nine databases, portals of these...

Massagem no alívio da dor neonatal em unidades de terapia intensiva: scoping review

Rev Rene (Online); 22 (), 2021
RESUMO Objetivo mapear o uso da massagem no alívio da dor neonatal durante os procedimentos realizados em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Métodos revisão de escopo realizada em 11 fontes de dados, seguindo recomendações do Instituto Joanna Briggs. Questionou-se: qual é o conhecimento sobre o uso...

Clinical evolution of cases of COVID-19 infection in neopediatrics: a scoping review

Rev. bras. enferm; 74 (supl.1), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective to map the knowledge about the clinical findings, treatment and outcome of newborns and children infected with COVID-19. Methods a scoping review with search of eight databases and electronic search engine in April 2020. Results the 12 studies analyzed showed that the main clinical ...

Epidemiologia das vítimas de trauma atendidas por serviço pré-hospitalar

Objetivo: caracterizar os aspectos epidemiológicos das vitimas de trauma atendidas por um Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência 192. Método: estudo exploratório, descritivo e quantitativo, realizado no pronto socorro de um hospital de referencia. A população alvo foram as vitimas de trauma ate...

Mock panels as an active teaching methodology in the education of nursing doctors

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (6), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the experience of doctorate students in the use of mock panels as an active methodology of teaching in Nursing post-graduation. Method: Experience report on the use of mock panels in the discipline Advanced Methods for Researches in Health and Nursing II, offered in the d...

Management of patients diagnosed or suspected with Covid-19 in cardiorespiratory arrest: a scoping review

ABSTRACT Objective: to map the production of knowledge about the recommendations that can be applied in managing patients diagnosed or suspected with COVID-19 in cardiorespiratory arrest. Method: a scoping review, according to the Joanna Briggs Institute (2020) guidelines. Search was performed in ten d...

Validação de protocolo para pessoas com úlcera venosa: estudo quantitativo

OBJETIVOS: confirmar e refinar a estrutura de protocolo de assistência multiprofissional para pessoas com úlcera venosa atendidas na atenção primária. MÉTODO: estudo metodológico, quantitativo, realizado em três etapas: elaboração do instrumento, a partir de revisão da literatura; e validaçã...