Resultados: 26

Functional capability and violence situations against the elderly

Acta paul. enferm; 27 (5), 2014
Objective To verify whether there is a connection between the functional capacity of the elderly and the presence of violent situations in their daily lives. Methods A population-based cross-sectional study developed with 237 elderly individuals. Standard and validated research instruments were used. Res...

Vivencias de violencia experimentadas por mujeres del Distrito Federal: Estudio descriptivo

Objective: To analyze the occurrence of the phenomenon of physical violence within intimate and affective relationships involving women aged 15 to 49 years living in an economically vulnerable area of the Federal District. Method: Cross-sectional study with simple random sampling and ecological model. We...

The knowledge of nurses about new descriptors for classification of pressure ulcers: descriptive study

Pressure Ulcers (PU) are ranked by the stage of presentation by NPUAP through I to IV, and since 2007 has included two new descriptors, in order to promote more reliable evaluation and classification of the stages of this type of injury. The research objectives were to identify nurses' knowledge about PU...

Models management of nursing care: qualitative study

Managing is a process of care, plan, organize, coordinate and evaluate the practice of nursing, where the essence of nursing care is provided to customers using management models of care. The main objective was to identify the care management models used in practice by nurses in a private hospital. The m...

Úlcera por pressão em pacientes com fratura de fêmur e quadril: um estudo descritivo

Fractures of hip and femur are an emerging public health problem, associated with a high rate of mortality and morbidity worldwide, with a high impact on the quality of life of patients. The Pressure Ulcer by (PU) is a complication that can interfere to increase these rates. Descriptive analytical study ...

Conhecimento de graduandos em enfermagem acerca da prevenção de radiodermatite

Objetivo: verificar o conhecimento de alunos do último semestre do curso de graduação em enfermagem sobre prevenção de radiodermatite. Método: trata-se de estudo seccional, tipo survey. Para a coleta de dados foi usado questionário aplicado aos alunos do 8º semestre do curso de enfermagem em quat...