Resultados: 103

Perfil de usuários intoxicados por drogas de abuso e associação com o óbito

Rev Rene (Online); 17 (2), 2016
Caracterizar o perfil de usuários intoxicados por drogas de abuso notificados em um centro deinformação e assistência toxicológica relacionando com a ocorrência de óbitos. Métodos: estudo de sériede casos notificados no biênio 2010-2011, após busca ativa de casos. Os dados foram obtidos das fi...

Padrões mínimos para assistência de enfermagem segura a usuários de bebidas alcoólicas

To develop minimum standards for nursing care for people intoxicated by alcohol and treated in the emergency units. Method: documental research, built upon the experience of the authors as members of the nursing care team of a center of toxicological assistance, based on literature review. Results: we pr...

Rodenticide poisoning in a Toxicological Assistance Center

Rev Rene (Online); 17 (1), 2016
Objective: to characterize rodenticide poisoning sold illegally under the name Chumbinho. Methods: this is a descriptive and cross-sectional study by retrospective analysis of epidemiological forms of Toxicological Occurrence of a Toxicological Assistance Center, from 2006 to 2013. Results: 115 forms wer...

Motivações para o tratamento de usuários de crack em uma comunidade terapêutica

Objective: To know the motivation of crack users for the treatment in internment environments. Methods: This is a descriptive and qualitative research, which delineates a series of cases. 20 crack users of the male gender were interviewed, aged equal or over 18 years old, who we...

Public policies for confronting the use of illicit drugs: social perception in a community

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (4), 2014
This study aimed to identify the social perception regarding public policies for confronting the use of drugs of abuse in a community with high indicators of drug-related violence. This is descriptive and transversal research, undertaken in a community in the Northwest of Paraná, using a structured ques...

Risks related to drug use among male construction workers

Acta paul. enferm; 27 (5), 2014
Objective To identify the prevalence of risk related to drug use among workers of a construction company and to evaluate how it relates with sociodemographic variables. Methods A cross-sectional study conducted with 418 workers who were given the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test....

Validation of an instrument for investigating knowledge on the initial assistance to burns victims

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (2), 2014
This study featured a methodological quantitative approach and its objective was to validate an instrument on the initial assistance given to burns victims, on medical and nursing knowledge, using the theoretical stage of Pasquali's model. The data were collected in June - August 2008, in two parts: anal...

Sentimentos dos cuidadores de usuários de bebidas alcoólicas frente à internação

Acta paul. enferm; 26 (6), 2013
OBJETIVO: Descrever os sentimentos dos cuidadores de usuários de bebidas alcoólicas frente à internação em unidade de terapia intensiva. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa qualitativa que incluiu dez cuidadores familiares de pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva com diagnóstico médico associado ao ...

Implantação de ações para enfrentamento do consumo de drogas na atenção primaria a saúde

Cogitare enferm; 18 (1), 2013
O estudo avaliou a implantação de diretrizes para atenção integral a usuários de álcool e outras drogas na Atenção Primária à Saúde, por meio de pesquisa avaliativa de estudo de caso, utilizando-se a diretriz do Ministério da Saúde para esta política pública. Participaram gestores municipa...