Resultados: 151

Characteristics of antenatal care for adolescents from state capitals in Southern and Northeastern Brazil

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (1), 2015
Quantitative and descriptive study that intended to describe some aspects of antenatal care for adolescents at teaching hospitals in the South and Northeast of Brazil, based on the quality criteria established by the Humanization Program of Antenatal and Birth Care. This is an excerpt from the research "...

História da saúde da criança: conquistas, políticas e perspectivas

Rev. bras. enferm; 67 (6), 2014
Objetivou-se descrever e refletir sobre os aspectos relacionados à história social e às políticas públicas de assistência à saúde da criança no Brasil. Realizou-se breve contextualização histórica sobre as transformações no ser criança no Brasil e no mundo, apresentando-se as perspectivas ...

Assessment of attributes for family and community guidance in the child health

Acta paul. enferm; 27 (5), 2014
Objective To identify the extension in primary health services of attributes for family and community guidance about the health of children health. Methods This was a quantitative, cross-sectional and evaluation study. We administered 548 questionnaires (Brazilian Primary Care Assessment Tool, child vers...

Playful intervention with chronically-ill children: promoting coping

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 35 (2), 2014
Chronic diseases can adversely affect the development process of children. This qualitative, action-research study had the aim to analyze the effects of activities in the manual "Como Hóspede no Hospital" (As a patient in the hospital) on the coping process of children with chronic diseases. Study parti...

Stepping into a new world: the meaning of sicken for the child with cancer

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (2), 2014
This is a qualitative study with the aim to understand the meaning of experiencing illness for a child with cancer. The thematic drawing-story was used, with eight children aged between 6 and 12 years old, from February to May of 2012. The material was analyzed according to the theoretical and analytical...

Conceptions and practices of professional family health strategy for health education

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (1), 2014
Qualitative research in order to identify the conceptions of health education that guide the practice of professionals working in the Family Health Strategy with families of children/adolescents with chronic disease. Data were collected from August to December 2011, through semi-structured interviews con...

Concepções de cuidado e sentimentos do cuidador de crianças com câncer

Acta paul. enferm; 26 (6), 2013
OBJETIVO: Analisar as concepções de cuidado e os sentimentos que permeiam o cotidiano do cuidador familiar de crianças com câncer. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa qualitativa realizada com nove cuidadores familiares de crianças com câncer. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas. O material empírico foi ...

Atenção à criança com doença crônica na estratégia saúde da família

Cogitare enferm; 18 (1), 2013
O aumento significativo de crianças com doenças crônicas revela a importância da qualificação dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde e de seus profissionais, no sentido de promover competências na assistência, condizentes às necessidades desta condição. Este estudo descritivo, com abor...

Interacao entre equipe de enfermagem e familia na percepcao dos familiares de criancas com doencas cronicas

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the interaction between the nursing staff and the families of the hospitalized children with chronic diseases. METHOD: Qualitative descriptive study conducted with seven family members of children hospitalized from August to October 2010. Data were collected using semi-structure...

Condição crônica na infância durante a hospitalização: sofrimento do cuidador familiar

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 11 (1), 2012
Com a presente pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, objetivou-se apreender a percepção do cuidador familiar de crianças hospitalizadas acerca do sofrimento relacionado à condição crônica na infância. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada na clínica pediátrica de um hospital público de João Pessoa c...