Resultados: 27

Vantagens e desvantagens do parto normal e cesariano: opinião de puérperas

Objective: to identify the opinion of postpartum women about the advantages and disadvantages of normal and caesarean delivery. Method: qualitative research conducted in rooming-in in a public maternity hospitalin Natal/RN, with 21 postpartum women over 20 years old after 12 hours postpartum, which had b...

Vivências de mães de bebês prematuros no contexto da espiritualidade

Objective: to understand how mothers of preterm infants perceive the relationship between health and spirituality and its benefits on the severity health picture of their children. Method: qualitative research with 32 mothers whose children were admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a maternity h...

Grau de satisfação de puérperas quanto à qualidade da assistência no alojamento conjunto de umamaternidade pública

Objective: to identify the degree of satisfaction of puerperal women regarding the Quality of Care (QOC) in Rooming-in (RI) of a public maternity. Method: descriptive quantitative research with 351 women who answered a structured interview that obeyed legal procedures for research involving human beings....

Mothers' feelings about breastfeeding their premature babies in a rooming-in facility

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 44 (3), 2010
This study aimed at learning about the feelings experienced by mothers while breastfeeding their premature babies in a rooming-in facility, by means of individual interviews with 33 mothers during the period of February to April 2006, at a maternity hospital in Natal/RN/Brazil. The main feelings referred...

Efetividade de estratégias não farmacológicas no alívio da dor de parturientes no trabalho de parto

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 43 (2), 2009
Objetivou-se no estudo avaliar a efetividade de estratégias não-farmacológicas para o alívio da dor de parturientes no trabalho de parto. Ensaio clínico do tipo intervenção terapêutica antes e após, realizado em uma maternidade pública de Natal/RN - Brasil, com 100 parturientes na aplicação d...

Ways of coping with AIDS: opinion of mothers with HIV children

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 16 (2), 2008
The research aims at identifying strategies of coping with AIDS used by mothers of HIV positive children to live better with their children's disease. The method used was a descriptive qualitative study. Thirty-three structured interviews were conducted with HIV positive women voluntaries and registered ...

Non-pharmacological strategies on pain relief during labor: pre-testing of an instrument

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 15 (6), 2007
This descriptive study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Non-Pharmacological Strategies (NFS) on pain relief of parturients as part of a research instrument to be utilized in a Doctoral Dissertation. In order to evaluate the NFS, the Analogous Visual Scale (AVS) was used on 30 parturients attended a...