Resultados: 154

Continuity of care for children with chronic conditions after discharge: a constructivist grounded theory

Rev. bras. enferm; 75 (4), 2022
ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the meaning of continuity of care for children with chronic conditions through transitional care from hospital to home. Methods: this is a qualitative study, conducted from a Constructivist Grounded Theory perspective. Purposive and theoretical sampling were used to r...

Meanings attributed to changes occurring after bariatric surgery: an analysis in the light of Grounded Theory

Rev. bras. enferm; 75 (4), 2022
ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the meanings attributed to the changes experienced after bariatric surgery by people with obesity. Methods: this is a study with a qualitative approach, with a theoretical framework in Symbolic Interactionism; and methodological, in the Grounded Theory. There were 12 ...

Care actions in obtaining tissues and organs during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods study

Rev. bras. enferm; 75 (supl.1), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: to map health care actions in the organ and tissue donation process in Brazilian regions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: a mixed methods study. Data collection was performed simultaneously through an online questionnaire with 72 nurses. Descriptive statistical analysis and co...

Reorganization of nursing work in an intensive care unit during the COVID-19 pandemic

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 43 (), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the reorganization of nursing work in an intensive care unit of a public hospital due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Report of the experience from February to April 2020, about the reorganization of a unit. Results: The description of the experience was divided in...

Interseções entre resiliência e qualidade de vida em mulheres rurais: estudo de métodos mistos

Resumo Objetivo: analisar as interseções entre qualidade de vida e resiliência de mulheres rurais. Método: estudo de métodos mistos convergente, no qual foram triangulados um estudo quantitativo de corte transversal e um estudo qualitativo guiado pela da história oral de vida. Os dados foram co...

Implantação de um protocolo de cirurgia segura: relato de experiência

Rev. enferm. UFPI; 9 (), 2020
Objetivo: Descrever a implantação de um protocolo de cirurgia segura em um hospital de grande porte. Metodologia: Relato de experiência desenvolvido no centro cirúrgico de um hospital da região Sul de Santa Catarina, a partir de um projeto institucional envolvendo a equipe multiprofissional. Ao tota...

Empreendedorismo em enfermagem: contribuição ao objetivo de desenvolvimento sustentável Saúde e Bem-Estar

Rev. enferm. UERJ; 29 (), 2021
RESUMO Objetivo refletir sobre a relação entre o empreendedorismo de Enfermagem e as metas do Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) no Saúde e Bem-Estar. Conteúdo apresentam-se conceito e tipologias de empreendedorismo - empreendedorismo social, empreendedorismo empresarial e intraempree...

Quality of transitional care of children with chronic diseases: a cross-sectional study

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 56 (), 2022
Abstract Objective: To analyze which factors may be associated with the quality-of-care transition of children with chronic diseases from the hospital to their home. Method: A cross-sectional, quantitative study, carried out in two hospitals in Southern Brazil, from February to September 2019. Particip...

Theoretical-explanatory model of the care provided to women in situations of violence in primary health care

ABSTRACT Objective: to develop a theoretical-explanatory model of the care provided to women in situations of intimate partner violence in the context of Primary Health Care. Method: a study with a qualitative approach, whose theoretical-methodological contribution adopted was the updated Straussian ...