Resultados: 52

Hospital care for elderly COVID-19 patients

Objective: to analyze the newspaper articles on hospital care for elderly COVID-19 patients in online newspapers. Method: documentary, retrospective, descriptive and exploratory research. The data were collected from articles published on open-access websites of 12 newspapers from the following countrie...

Elderly individuals living by themselves: knowledge and measures to prevent the novel coronavirus

Objective: to describe the occurrence of COVID-19 and the health services used by elderly individuals living by themselves; identify the knowledge held by elderly individuals regarding the transmission, signs and symptoms of COVID-19, as well as factors associated with poor knowledge of preventive measur...

Suspected COVID-19 flu-like syndrome in men who have sex with men and have been involved in casual sex

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (supl.2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the presence of flu-like syndrome suggestive of COVID-19 in men who have sex with men (MSM) and engaged in casual sex during a period of social isolation. Method: National epidemiological survey, applied in April and May 2020, by adaptation of Respondent Drive Sampling. ...

Pandemia e imigração: famílias haitianas no enfrentamento da COVID-19 no Brasil

Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm; 24 (spe), 2020
Objetivo: compreender a vivência do enfrentamento e repercussões da COVID-19 na perspectiva das famílias de imigrantes haitianos no Brasil. Método: estudo qualitativo, do tipo ação-participante, fundamentado no Itinerário de Pesquisa de Paulo Freire, que possui três fases: Investigação Temátic...

Os conceitos de Florence Nightingale em tempos de pandemia da COVID-19 retratados em história em quadrinhos: relato de experiência

Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm; 24 (spe), 2020
Descrever a experiência do processo de elaboração de uma história em quadrinhos acerca das medidas de prevenção para o combate ao novo coronavírus a partir do legado de Florence Nightingale e da Teoria Ambientalista. Método: Trata-se de um relato de experiência de uma ação extensionista univer...

Saúde mental de profissionais de enfermagem durante a pandemia de COVID-19: recursos de apoio

Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm; 24 (spe), 2020
Objetivo: refletir sobre as implicações da pandemia de coronavírus na saúde mental dos profissionais de enfermagem e os principais recursos de apoio em desenvolvimento. Método: artigo reflexivo, produzido com base na formulação discursiva acerca da saúde mental dos profissionais de enfermagem fre...

De cuidador a paciente: na pandemia da Covid-19, quem defende e cuida da enfermagem brasileira?

Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm; 24 (spe), 2020
Objetivo: Refletir sobre a saúde do trabalhador de enfermagem diante da crise da pandemia pela Covid-19. Método: Artigo de reflexão cujo tema envolve a pandemia pela Covid-19 e a saúde do trabalhador de enfermagem. Desenvolveu-se a partir de duas seções teóricas: i) pandemia, aspectos epidemiológ...

Nursing recommendations for facing dissemination of COVID-19 in Brazilian Nursing Homes

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (supl.2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: to develop a protocol of recommendations for facing dissemination of COVID-19 in Brazilian Nursing Homes. Method: a study of experts' recommendations using a structured form applied through the Delphi Technique, obtaining 100% agreement among professionals after four rounds of analy...

Telemonitoring of Brazilian Nursing homes before Coronavirus and COVID-19 Infections

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (supl.2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: to report the experience of telemonitoring Brazilian nursing homes before coronavirus and COVID-19 infections. Methods: a descriptive experience report that occurred between March 18 and April 25, 2020 through telemonitoring nursing homes in Salvador, Bahia, following a script previ...

Mental health of healthcare professionals in China during the new coronavirus pandemic: an integrative review

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (supl.2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify publishing related to the mental health of health professionals working in the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: an integrative review that included primary articles indexed in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Medical Literature...