Relationship between emotional states before cardiac valve surgeries with postoperative complications
Rev. gaúcha enferm. (Online); 41 (), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate associations between preoperative anxiety and depression symptoms and postoperative complications and the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients undergoing valve repair surgery. Method: Observational, exploratory and prospective study. The consecuti...
Ansiedad/psicología, Depresión/psicología, Válvulas Cardíacas/cirugía, Complicaciones Posoperatorias/psicología, Periodo Preoperatorio, Ansiedad/diagnóstico, Brasil, Comorbilidad, Depresión/diagnóstico, Delirio del Despertar/psicología, Emociones, Renta, Revascularización Miocárdica, Estudios Prospectivos, Factores Sexuales, Estadísticas no Paramétricas, Evaluación de Síntomas/Métodos