Resultados: 19

Monitorização de complicações pós-operatórias no ambiente domiciliar

Rev Rene (Online); 21 (), 2020
Objetivo: propor uma diretriz de monitorização de complicações pós-operatórias de pacientes no ambiente domiciliar. Métodos: pesquisa desenvolvida por meio da técnica Delphi com 45 profissionais de saúde brasileiros. Utilizaram-se o Google Forms para coleta de dados e a escala Likert para fins d...

Prenatal follow-up of high-risk pregnancy in the public service

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (supl.3), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the prenatal follow-up of high-risk pregnancy in the public service. Method: an analytical cross-sectional study carried out in a public maternity hospital in the South of Brazil, during the hospitalization of 319 postpartum women using a semi-structured tool for transcri...

Association between follow-up in health services and antihypertensive medication adherence

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (6), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the association between the characteristics of follow-up in health services and adherence to antihypertensive medication in patients with cardiovascular disease. Method: Analytical study carried out with 270 patients suffering from hypertension and hospitalized due to car...

Difficulties in nutritional counseling and child growth follow-up: from a professional perspective

Rev. bras. enferm; 70 (5), 2017
ABSTRACT Introduction: Nutritional counseling and growth follow-up are priorities when providing care to children; however, these have not been completely incorporated into primary health care. Objective: To know the difficulties for providing nutritional counseling and child growth follow-up, from a p...

Effects of supportive telephone counseling in the metabolic control of elderly people with diabetes mellitus

Rev. bras. enferm; 70 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: the purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of telephone-based support for the metabolic control of elderly patients with diabetes mellitus. Method: a pragmatic study was conducted in two groups, called G1 (n=36) and G2 (n=27), at a health unit from the countryside of Sã...

Influência do cuidador informal na reabilitação do idoso em pós-operatório de fratura de fêmur proximal

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 37 (1), 2016
RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a influência do cuidador informal na independência funcional de idosos no pós-operatório de fratura de fêmur proximal por quedas. Método Revisão integrativa, cujo corpus de análise reuniu 23 artigos, entre 2002 e 2012, das bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e...

Significado do diagnóstico de neoplasia mamária: compreensão fenomenológica de mulheres

Rev. baiana enferm; 29 (1), 2015
O diagnóstico de câncer de mama institui um período de transformações na vida da mulher, de mo-do que o enfrentamento se diferencia conforme as singularidades que envolvem o ser humano. Objetivou-se compreender o significado do diagnóstico de câncer de mama para a mulher que vivencia a doença. Pe...

Telephone follow-up of patients after radical prostatectomy: a systematic review

OBJECTIVE: to assess and summarize the best scientific evidence from randomized controlled clinical trials about telephone follow-up of patients after radical prostatectomy, based on information about how the phone calls are made and the clinical and psychological effects for the individuals who received...