Resultados: 12

Práticas educativas para a prevenção de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis na adolescência: uma revisão realista

Objetivo: analisar as evidências científicas acerca das práticas educativas para a prevenção de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis na adolescência. Método: foi realizada uma revisão realista, utilizada para o embasamento de práticas e políticas de intervenção em realidades sociais comple...

Teaching implications in the pedagogical training of a technical school

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the teaching implications with the pedagogical training in a Technical School of SUS. Method: a qualitative study that has the Institutional Analysis as theoretical and methodological framework, Institutional Socio-Clinical modality, whose data were collected from July 20...

Maternal-child nursing care for adolescent mothers: health education

ABSTRACT Objectives: to develop an educational intervention through a game that addresses aspects related to adolescent motherhood and child care. Methods: this is an action research based on diagnosis, intervention and apprehension stages. Results: the situational diagnosis was based on a literature ...

Health education in Aedes aegypti: case study

ABSTRACT Objectives: Reporting the experience of health education regarding Aedes aegypti in the Federal District. Methods: This is a case report, with descriptive approach, about the experience of nursing practice with education actions against the Aedes aegypti in communities of the Federal District,...

Educação em saúde para gestantes: a busca pelo empoderamento materno no ciclo gravídico-puerperal

Objetivo: Descrever o desenvolvimento de estratégias educativas utilizadas em um grupo educativo para gestantes. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, desenvolvido em Acarape/CE, no qual foram realizados oito encontros semanais no período de janeiro a março de 2015. Em cada encontro, foram realizadas dinâmica...

Tecnologias educacionais direcionadas para pacientes renais crônicos na promoção do autocuidado

Objective: The study’s purpose has been to identify the technologies focused on the health education of chronic renal patients aiming to promote the self-care. Methods: It is an integrative review that was performed in the databases LILACS, MEDLINE, SCOPUS, CINAHL and in the COCHRANE Library, where the...

Limits and possibilities for teaching and learning about breastfeeding

ABSTRACT Objective: To point out limits and possibilities involved in the teaching and learning process of undergraduate students from Health of a Federal Public Higher Education Institution on breastfeeding. Method: Instantaneous photography study carried out in undergraduate courses in the area of He...

Educational technologies and practices for prevention of vertical HIV transmission

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to assess available evidence on educational technologies and practices for prevention of vertical HIV transmission. Method: LILACS, PubMed, Scopus, BDENF, between April and May 2016, with the descriptors: "Vertical Transmission of Infectious Disease", "HIV", "Health Education" and "...

Intervenção educativa em saúde para idosas à cerca do exame Papanicolau

A educação em saúde é uma estratégia de empoderamento das pessoas para o cuidado com a saúde e que deve continuar sendo praticada por todos os trabalhadores nos vários espaços de relação interpessoal. Tal prática deve permear as ações de prevenção e detecção precoce do câncer de colo ut...