Drug-Related Problems in the transitional care of the elderly from hospital to home
Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.2), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the knowledge produced on Medication-Related Problems in the transitional care of the elderly from hospital to home. Method: Integrative review of the literature data, organized in six stages: guiding question; establishment of inclusion and exclusion criteria; extractio...
Efectos Colaterales y Reacciones Adversas Relacionados con Medicamentos/diagnóstico, Efectos Colaterales y Reacciones Adversas Relacionados con Medicamentos/epidemiología, Hospitales/normas, Hospitales/tendencias, Persona de Mediana Edad, Cuidado de Transición/normas, Cuidado de Transición/tendencias