Resultados: 79

Efficacy of Chinese auriculotherapy for stress in nursing staff: a randomized clinical trial

OBJECTIVE: this randomized single blind clinical study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of auriculotherapy with and without a protocol for reducing stress levels among nursing staff. METHOD: a total of 175 nursing professionals with medium and high scores according to Vasconcelos' Stress Symptoms List were...

Stress e enfermagem oncológica: estudos no Centro de Pesquisa em Enfermagem (CEPEN)

This study was elaborated with the aim of identifying the knowledge produced in the nursing concerning stress, as well as emphasizing in the publications that it was researched about stress among oncological nurses. It is a bibliographical study carry out in the dissertations and thesis abstracts contain...

El trabajo de la mujer y su impacto sobre la salud

Invest. educ. enferm; 4 (2), 1986
Reflexion a cerca de como se entrelazan trabajo y vida, enfermedad y muerte en la historia de las mujeres y particularidades de su insercion en los aprocesos de trabajo. Presenta datos a cerca de su distribucion ocupacional en Colombia. El 96.4 % del total de la poblacion femenina, economicamente activa,...

Diagnostico de la situacion de la salud ocupacional en Centro America y Panama (Panama, 1983)

Invest. educ. enferm; 2 (2), 1984