Resultados: 41

Capacidade funcional e resiliência em idosos hospitalizados

Objetivo: identificar a capacidade funcional e a resiliência em idosos hospitalizados. Método: estudo quantitativo, transversal e descritivo realizado com 59 idosos internados em um hospital universitário. Aplicaram-se instrumentos de avaliação da capacidade funcional, resiliência e dados sociodemo...

Frailty syndrome among elderly and associated factors: comparison of two cities

Objective to compare the frailty syndrome among elderly people living at home in two Brazilian cities and to identify factors related to sociodemographic and health-related variables. Method population-based cross-sectional study with 480 elderly individuals from the cities of Ribeirão Preto/SP and J...

Adaptation and validation of the Instrumental Expressive Social Support Scale in Portuguese older individuals

Objective to adapt and validate the Instrumental Expressive Social Support Scale (IESS) in a sample of older people. Method methodological study. The sample of 964 community-dwelling older people was randomly divided into two groups. The first group was used as a calibration sample to study the number...

Record of the circumstances of falls in the community: perspective in the Iberian Peninsula

ABSTRACT Objective: to determine the diagnosis of the situation regarding documentation of falls and risk of falls in people older than 75 years in basic health units in Spain and Portugal. Method: mixed exploratory study in two stages: (i) quantitative descriptive of randomly selected fall records pro...

Capacidade funcional do idoso hospitalizado: subsídios para elaboração de um protocolo de enfermagem

Introdução: O número elevado de admissões hospitalares de idosos representa um indicador significativo para avaliação das condições de saúde dessa clientela. A admissão hospitalar pode ser um indicativo de fragilidade relacionada à perda de capacidade funcional, interferindo na qualidade de vi...

Aplicação da avaliação geriátrica ampla em idosa hospitalizada em um hospital público do DF: um relato de caso

Conclusão: A AGA é fundamental para identificação da fragilidade (muitas vezes de forma precoce) - permite intervenções individualizadas que tem como objetivo de mudar/prevenir ou amenizar desfechos clínicos adversos e negativos. Serve de guia para a escolha de medidas que visam restaurar e preser...

Elderly and caregiver demand: proposal for a care need classification

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.2), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To propose a care need classification for elderly people by identifying their functional demands. Method: Cross-sectional study carried out in São Paulo, in 2006, with 1,413 elderly (≥ 60 years old), participants in the Health, Well-being and Aging study (SABE - Saúde, Bem E...

Factors associated to the dependence of older adults with diabetes mellitus type 2

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.2), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify factors associated to the dependence of older adults with Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Method: analytical and epidemiological study with 99 older adults. The Brazilian Multidimensional Functional Assessment Questionnaire and a questionnaire composed by socio-demographic and...

Temporal analysis of the functional status of older people in the state of Paraíba, Brazil

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.2), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the profile and the functional status of older people living in the state of Paraíba, Brazil, from a temporal perspective. Method: This was a descriptive study with secondary analysis of data from the Health Indicator and Aging Policy Monitoring system (SISAP-Idoso - Sist...

Non-frail elderly people and their license to drive motor vehicles

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (2), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyse the link between the non-frailty condition and the results of driving license for elderly people to drive motor vehicles. Method: cross-sectional study with data collection in the sample period from August 2015 to March 2016. Study performed with 347 elderlies (≥60 ...