Resultados: 76

Nursing students' perception about humanized care: an integrative review

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.6), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the productions of knowledge about the students' perception of humanized care. Method: Study of bibliographical revision of the integrative type. The databases Pubmed, Lilacs, Cuiden and the SciELO virtual library were chosen for selection in October 2017, using the healt...

Perception of nursing workers humanization under intensive therapy

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (2), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: understand the perception of nursing workers working in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) regarding humanization in the work environment. Method: we used the reference of phenomenology, structure of the phenomenon. Participated 25 nursing professionals working in an adult ICU of a unive...

Humanization in the Intensive Care: perception of family and healthcare professionals

Rev. bras. enferm; 70 (5), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: Understanding perceptions of family members and healthcare professionals about humanization at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to direct it to an educational action. Method: Exploratory descriptive and qualitative study conducted in an ICU level 3 of a public hospital in Porto Alegre,...

Development and validation of the Hospitality Axiological Scale for Humanization of Nursing Care

ABSTRACT Objective: to develop and validate a scale to evaluate nursing attitudes in relation to hospitality for the humanization of nursing care. Participants: the sample consisted of 499 nursing professionals and undergraduate students of the final two years of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing progr...

Saberes de estudantes de enfermagem sobre a humanização

Rev. bras. enferm; 69 (2), 2016
RESUMO Objetivo: identificar os sentidos e as práticas representativas de humanização na formação do enfermeiro. Método: pesquisa qualitativa, apoiada na política nacional de humanização e no conceito de representação social. Realizou-se entrevista com 40 acadêmicos de enfermagem de um curs...

The discursive production of professionals about humanizing health: singularity, rights and ethics

Objective: to describe the discursive production of professionals about the humanization of health.Method: qualitative study of descriptive approach, inspired by the social representation theory, with 24 professionals in the healthcare field, working in a university hospital with the established humaniza...