Resumo Objetivo: Identificar estratégias educacionais para prevenção de úlceras nos pés em pessoas com diabetes mellitus. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa realizada entre dezembro de 2019 e janeiro de 2020, utilizando as bases de dados PUBMED, LILACS, COCHRANE e SCOPUS e os descritores ...
Objective: Analyze the scientific literature addressing mobile technologies to prevent and diagnose diabetic foot ulcers and studies addressing foot care among individuals with diabetes mellitus. Method: this integrative literature review was conducted in the PubMed, LILACS, and BDENF databases i...
ABSTRACT Objective: to explore attitudes towards patients' self-reported data about foot health-related beliefs from a behavioural and attitudinal perspective. Methods: a sample of 282 participants of a mean age of 39.46 ± 16.026 came to a health centre where self-reported demographic, clinical charac...
ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the experience of care of people with venous ulcers using an Unna's boot. Method: a qualitative study, based on the social phenomenology by Alfred Schütz, was carried out with 12 adults interviewed in 2015. The statements were analyzed and organized in thematic catego...
Estudo realizado junto ao Serviço de Referência em Triagem Neonatal no Estado do Paraná (FEPE), objetivando identificar o índice de coletas de sangue inadequadas recebidas pelo laboratório da FEPE para realização do exame, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2002. Foram estudadas fichas cadastrai...