Resultados: 202

Psychometric properties of the Work Limitations Questionnaire applied to nursing workers

Objective: to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Work Limitations Questionnaire and to measure presenteeism in a sample of nursing workers. Method: a cross-sectional study, with non-probabilistic sampling. Data was collected between July 2018 and February 2019 in two high-complexity hospitals, ...

Academic motivation scale - reliability and validity evidence among undergraduate nursing students

Objective: to assess the evidence of validity and reliability of the academic motivation scale (AMS) based on the internal structure. Method: this is a methodological study with 205 undergraduate nursing students. Dimensionality/internal structure of the AMS was assessed using factor analysis in the co...

Scale for assessing the quality of life of women with Human Papillomavirus infection

Rev. bras. enferm; 74 (6), 2021
ABSTRACT Objectives: to develop and validate a scale for assessing the quality of life of women with Human Papillomavirus infection. Methods: a methodological study to develop the stages of item elaboration, apparent and content validation, semantic validation, pre-test, item allocation in domains, and...

Validation of a questionnaire on the use of Interactive Response System in Higher Education

Objetivo: this study aims to design and validate a questionnaire to measure the students' perception of the use of IRS as a technopedagogical resource in the classroom. Method: a 24 items questionnaire (Interactive Response System for the Improvement of the Teaching-Learning Process) was designed ad hoc...

Simulation effectiveness tool modified (SET-M): adaptation and validation for Brazil

Objective: to adapt the Simulation Effectiveness Tool - Modified (SET-M) to Portuguese and to verify validity and reliability indexes. Method: methodological study using ISPOR, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, correlation between the adapted instrument/Simulation Design Scale - Student Version/Individual P...

Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese version of Evidence-based Practice Knowledge Assessment in Nursing (EKAN)

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective The Evidence-based Practice Knowledge Assessment in Nursing (EKAN) is an objective measure of evidence-based practice (EBP) knowledge. The aims of the project were to translate the EKAN instrument into Brazilian Portuguese, test its psychometric properties, and document a baseline as...

Psychometric properties of the adapted instrument European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire short-short form

Objective: to investigate the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the health literacy questionnaire European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire short-short form (HLS-EU-Q6) in Brazilian adults. Method: the instrument was translated and pre-tested in a sample of 50 individual...

Validade do Supportive Care Needs Survey Short Form 34 na população amazônica

Resumo Objetivo: Analisar as evidências de validade de constructo do Supportive Care Needs Survey Short Form 34 (SCNS SF-34) na população com câncer atendida em Manaus, região amazônica brasileira. Métodos: Estudo psicométrico, realizado em uma instituição de referência em oncologia, de abri...

Short Homophobia Scale (SHS): desempenho em estudantes universitárias de enfermagem

Resumo Objetivo: Estimar o desempenho psicométrico da escala de homofobia Short Homophobia Scale (SHS) em estudantes de enfermagem do sexo feminino de uma universidade em Cartagena, Colômbia. Métodos: Desenhou-se um estudo de validação que incluiu 419 estudantes de enfermagem do sexo feminino curs...

Psychometric properties of the Jefferson Empathy Scale in four nursing student faculties

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Jefferson Medical Empathy Scale, Spanish version (JSE-S), its factorial structure, reliability, and the presence of invariance between genders in the behavior of empathy levels among Chilean nursing students. Method Instrumental research...