Resultados: 106

Rede de apoio para o aleitamento materno na prematuridade tardia

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 19 (), 2020
Objective: To analyze the support network of mothers of late preterm infants as to breastfeeding. Method: Descriptive-exploratory study with qualitative approach, founded on the Support Network theoretical methodological framework. The informants were 15 mothers, and the interviews were held at the hospi...

Fatores de risco em adolescentes de instituições de ensino privadas de um município do Paraná

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 18 (3), 2019
Objective: To evaluate the risk factors in adolescents enrolled between the 9thyear of Elementary School and the 3rdyear of High School in private institutions of a municipality of Paraná.Methods: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, field-based research with a quantitative approach. For...

Redes sociales y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en estudiantes universitarios

Introducción: Las redes sociales permite a los jóvenes estar en contacto con la sociedad y su entorno, gran cantidad del tiempo lo emplean en su uso, buscando aceptación por sus pares. Materiales y Métodos: Investigación descriptiva, transversal, correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 400 e...

A Imagem do Enfermeiro no Instagram no Contexto da Pandemia da Covid-19

Enferm. foco (Brasília); 11 (1,n.esp), 2020
Objetivo: identificar a imagem do enfermeiro no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19 veiculada no Instagram. Método: pesquisa documental descritiva com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvida usando hastags para buscar imagens e vídeos do Instagram que retratam a imagem da Enfermagem na pandemia da COVID-19. ...

The meaning of the social support network for women in situations of violence and breastfeeding

Objective: to understand the meanings attributed to the social support network of women breastfeeding and in situations of violence by an intimate partner. Method: a qualitative study, carried out with 21 women, through semi-structured interviews and data analyzed by the Method of Interpretation of the ...

Rede de suporte social e tecnologias de cuidados para idosos com deficiência

Enferm. foco (Brasília); 11 (1), 2020
Objetivo: investigar as redes de suporte social da pessoa idosa com deficiência e as tecnologias inovadoras de cuidado implementadas à pessoa idosa com deficiência e de suporte ao cuidador. Método: pesquisa exploratório-descritiva de abordagem qualitativa, realizada no período de abril a outubro de...

Family dynamics and social network of families of children with special needs for complex/continuous cares

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 41 (), 2020
ABSTRACT: Objective: To describe the family dynamics and the social support network for families of children with special needs of multiple, complex and continuous care. Methods: A descriptive study of a qualitative approach, carried out in Maringá - PR, having as theoretical and methodological refere...

Is the chronicity of HIV/AIDS fragile? Biomedicine, politics and sociability in an online social network

Objective: to understand how the relationships between chronicity and politics shape sociability and mutual help among people living with HIV/AIDS. Method: This is a virtual ethnography in a closed group on Facebook. To collect the information, on-lineparticipant observation and documental analysis were...

Histórias de vida de mulheres frequentadoras das oficinas de geração de trabalho e renda

J. nurs. health; 10 (1), 2020
Objetivo: conhecer as histórias de vida de quatro mulheres participantes de oficinas de geração, trabalho e renda. Métodos: a coleta de dados foi realizada no ano de 2012 e incluiu quatro mulheres que, entre 2010 e 2012, participavam ativa e diariamente das oficinas de Geração de Trabalho e Renda p...

Social network of children with cronic disease: knowledge and practice of nursing

Rev. bras. enferm; 73 (2), 2020
ABSTRACT Objectives: To identify the knowledge and practice of primary care nurses about the social network approach for families of children with chronic diseases. Methods: Qualitative research, conducted by means of interviews with 23 family health nurses, from one municipality in Paraíba and one in...