Resultados: 16

Rendimiento académico en estudiantes de enfermería de una universidad pública

Introducción: la globalización ha impactado el ámbito educativo, por lo que las instituciones de educación superior tienen la responsabilidad de generar en los alumnos destrezas, habilidades y conocimientos que faciliten el proceso de aprendizaje para mejorar y mantener un rendimiento académico efic...

Public-private relationship in surgical hospitalizations through the Unified Health System

Objective: to characterize surgical hospitalizations, length of stay, cost and mortality, according to the legal nature (public and private) of the hospital institution linked to the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde, SUS). Method: a descriptive study, of the survey type, with retrospective...

Prioridade, foco e método: caminhos para aprovação em concursos públicos e residências na área de enfermagem

Ao término do curso de graduação em enfermagem, o primado de qualquer formando é exercer a profissão para o qual se preparou durante quatro ou cinco anos. Entretanto, muito frequentemente, os egressos deparam-se com um cenário desfavorável num mercado de trabalho saturado de profissionais formados...

Analysis of an interprofessional education activity in the occupational health field

Objective: to analyze the results of an Interprofessional Education activity in the ​​Occupational Health field. Method: this is an Action Research, which encompassed the implementation and evaluation stages of the activity. It was developed in a Public Higher Education Institution through 1...

Configurações do mundo do trabalho e o processo saúde-doença dos trabalhadores docentes de enfermagem

Objetivo: analisar as repercussões do trabalho docente na saúde nos professores de enfermagem. Método: estudo qualitativo e descritivo realizado com 27 docentes de duas universidades públicas federais do Rio de Janeiro. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e a técnica uti...

Prenatal follow-up of high-risk pregnancy in the public service

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.3), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the prenatal follow-up of high-risk pregnancy in the public service. Method: an analytical cross-sectional study carried out in a public maternity hospital in the South of Brazil, during the hospitalization of 319 postpartum women using a semi-structured tool for transcri...

Profile of nursing graduates: competencies and professional insertion

Objective: evaluate the profile of the graduates of Nursing a public college from the perception of skills developed during graduation and the process of professional insertion. Method: quantitative, exploratory and descriptive study. The sample was composed of 216 graduates. The data was collected by a...

Job insecurity among nurses, nursing technicians and nursing aides in public hospitals

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 52 (), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the contribution of all the dimensions involved in job insecurity among nursing professionals in Brazilian state public hospitals. Method: This was a quantitative descriptive study conducted between March 2015 and February 2016, with nurses, nursing technicians and nur...

Qualidade de vida e fatores associados em aposentados por invalidez de uma universidade pública brasileira

Cienc. enferm; 24 (), 2018
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a Qualidade de Vida e os fatores associados em servidores aposentados por invalidez de uma universidade pública. Material e método: Estudo analítico realizado com 40 servidores aposentados por invalidez entre 2000 e 2014 de uma universidade pública brasileira. Foi utilizado u...

Prevalence of anxious and depressive symptoms in college students of a public institution

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.5), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: Identify the prevalence of anxious and depressive symptoms and their correlations with sociodemographic and occupational characteristics in university students. Method: This is census, cross-sectional and analytical study, developed with nursing students of a federal public universi...