Resultados: 5

Nursing and society: Evolution of Nursing and of capitalism in the 200 years of Florence Nightingale

Objective: to analyze the relationships between the development of the Nursing labor and of capitalism over the 200 years of Florence Nightingale. Method: a logical-reflective and theoretical exposition based on interpretations of historical facts and Marxist theories. The analysis categories were the f...

Practitioner research in the practice and education of healthcare professionals in the netherlands

Texto & contexto enferm; 27 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: the purpose of this study is to explore the increased attention for practitioner research in the practice of healthcare professionals in the Netherlands and its consequences for the implementation of research in higher professional healthcare education. Method: this study is a refle...

Empreendedorismo na Enfermagem: panorama das empresas no Estado de São Paulo

Rev. bras. enferm; 68 (1), 2015
Objetivo: o presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar e caracterizar as empresas de enfermagem dirigidas por enfermeiros empresários, registradas na Junta Comercial do Estado de São Paulo até 2011. Método: trata-se de um estudo exploratório, descritivo, cuja coleta de dados, realizada durante o...

Process of training and insertion in the labor market: a vision of nursing graduates

Study to analyze nursing graduates' perception about the contribution of the training process in its insertion in the labour market. Descriptive exploratory study, a qualitative approach. The data was collected in 2011 through semistructured interviews. Attended by 15 professionals, graduated from the Nu...