Resultados: 341

Fatores associados à probabilidade de transtorno mental comum em gestante: estudo transversal

Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência de probabilidade de transtorno mental comum em gestantes e os fatores associados. Métodos: Estudo transversal, quantitativo e descritivo com 330 gestantes cadastradas em um Serviço de Atenção à Saúde da Mulher localizado no Brasil Central. Os dados foram obtidos po...


Texto & contexto enferm; 26 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective: to estimate the prevalence of the probability of common mental disorders among abusers of alcohol and other drugs. Method: a cross-sectional study. The sample was made up of 234 individuals undergoing treatment and rehabilitation for chemical dependence in private clinics and in a ...

Aplicação do relacionamento terapêutico a pessoas com transtorno mental comum

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 38 (1), 2017
RESUMO Objetivo Descrever o resultado da aplicação do relacionamento terapêutico a pessoas com transtorno mental comum. Método Estudo quantitativo, descritivo, tipo antes e depois, conduzido com 112 prontuários acessados de um projeto de extensão em saúde mental na Atenção Primária à Saúd...

New drugs for the treatment of agitation in schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of inhaled loxapine and infused sodium nitroprusside

Acta sci., Health sci; 39 (1), 2017
The use of novel drugs such as inhaled loxapine (LOXi) for schizophrenia and the off-label use of substances such as sodium nitroprusside (NIT) for the management of mental disorders require further investigation. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of LOXi and NIT for the treatment of agitation...

Atitudes e conhecimentos de técnicos de enfermagem sobre cuidados a pacientes com transtornos mentais

O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar atitudes e conhecimentos teórico-práticos de técnicos de enfermagem sobre cuidados a pacientes com transtornos mentais. Estudo descritivo realizado em um pronto socorro municipal do interior paulista. Informações sociodemográficas e formaç...

Percepções de familiares de adolescentes sobre oficinas terapêuticas em um centro de atenção psicossocial infantil

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 37 (4), 2016
RESUMO Objetivo Conhecer as percepções de familiares de adolescentes sobre oficinas terapêuticas em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantil. Métodos Pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva, desenvolvida em 2013, em Santa Catarina, com 18 familiares de adolescentes em acompanhamento no CAPSi. As ent...

Strategies for coping with family members of patients with mental disorders

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the coping strategies of family members of patients with mental disorders and relate them to family member sociodemographic variables and to the patient's clinical variables. Method: this was a descriptive study conducted at a psychiatric hospital in the interior of th...

Repercussions of imprisonment for conjugal violence: discourses of men

ABSTRACT Objective: to know the consequences that men experience related to incarceration by conjugal violence. Methods: qualitative study on 20 men in jail and indicted in criminal processes related to conjugal violence in a Court specialized in Family and Domestic Violence against women. The intervie...

Development of the TabacoQuest app for computerization of data collection on smoking in psychiatric nursing

ABSTRACT Objective: to develop a mobile app for research on the use of tobacco among psychiatric patients and the general population. Method: applied research with the technological development of an app for data collection on an Android tablet. For its development, we considered three criteria: data...

Factors associated with problematic drug use among psychiatric outpatients

ABSTRACT Objective: to examine the factors associated with problematic drug use among psychiatric outpatients. Method: a cross-sectional study was carried out in two mental health services. Eligible individuals were patients of these mental health services, who used them within the data collection peri...