Colômbia: cenário de estudo em enfermagem no programa de mobilidade
Colombia: estudio del escenario de enfermería en el programa de movilidad académica internacional

Rev. enferm. UFSM; 5 (4), 2015
Publication year: 2015


relatar a experiência de uma estudante de enfermagem em Programa de Mobilidade Acadêmica Internacional na Colômbia.


relato de experiência crítico e reflexivo realizado na Colômbia durante o primeiro semestre de 2012.


a experiência oportunizou vivenciar atividades teóricas e práticas, participação na organização de eventos científicos, apresentação de trabalhos acadêmicos em congressos e aproximação ao campo de pesquisa no cenário colombiano, com a garantia de atuar em um cotidiano de estudos específicos e singulares no âmbito da enfermagem.

Considerações Finais:

como contribuições deseja-se estimular os estudantes para que façam mobilidade na graduação, intensificando o aperfeiçoamento acadêmico e profissional e, assim, contribuindo para o ensino superior de qualidade e aberto à integração dos países.


to report the experience of a nursing student in International Academic Mobility Program in Colombia.


critical and reflective report of the experience held in Colombia during the first semester of 2012.


the experience made possible to experience theoretical and practical activities, participation in the organization of scientific events, presentation of academic papers at conferences and access to the research field in the Colombian scenario, with the guaranty of working on an everyday specific and singular studies in nursing.

Final Remarks:

as contributions, there is a will to stimulate the students to perform mobility in their graduation, intensifying the academic and professional improvement and thus contributing to quality higher education and opening it to the integration between countries.


to report the experience of a nursing student in International Academic Mobility Program in Colombia.


critical and reflective report of the experience held in Colombia during the first semester of 2012.


the experience made possible to experience theoretical and practical activities, participation in the organization of scientific events, presentation of academic papers at conferences and access to the research field in the Colombian scenario, with the guaranty of working on an everyday specific and singular studies in nursing.

Final Remarks:

as contributions, there is a will to stimulate the students to perform mobility in their graduation, intensifying the academic and professional improvement and thus contributing to quality higher education and opening it to the integration between countries.