Validação de tecnologia educacional no formato de gibi direcionada à rede de apoio da nutriz
Validation of educational technology in comic book format aimed at the nursing mother's support network
Validación de tecnología educativa en formato de historieta dirigida a la red de apoyo a la madre lactante

Rev. Enferm. Atual In Derme; 98 (2), 2024
Publication year: 2024


validar uma tecnologia educacional sobre amamentação, no formato de gibi, direcionada à rede de apoio da nutriz.


Trata-se de um estudo metodológico para a validação do instrumento elaborado. A análise da validação de conteúdo foi realizada através do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo, e a significância da taxa de concordância adotada foi avaliada a partir do teste binomial.


Todos os itens ficaram acima da taxa mínima de concordância. No entanto, o p-valor do teste binomial indicou a necessidade de readequação de quatro itens que foram ajustados conforme uma descrição qualitativa dos juízes. As avaliações de cada tópico do formulário apresentaram resultados extremamente satisfatórios, e a menor taxa foi de 0,94. A concordância universal atingiu 0,56, sendo a menor taxa obtida em todo o estudo. Em contrapartida, dos 72 itens avaliados, 41 atingiram a pontuação máxima. A avaliação Global do instrumento foi de 0,96, acima da taxa mínima considerada ideal para este tipo de estudo.


O estudo apresentou uma análise elevada na validação da tecnologia educacional sobre amamentação, no formato de gibi, direcionada à rede de apoio da nutriz


to validate an educational technology on breastfeeding, in the format of a comic book, aimed at the support network of the nursing mother.


This is a methodological study in which the validation of the elaborated instrument was carried out. The content validation analysis was performed using the Content Validity Index, and the significance of the adopted agreement rate was evaluated using the binomial test.


All items were above the minimum agreement rate. However, the p-value of the binomial test indicated the need to readjust four items. The evaluations of each topic of the form showed extremely satisfactory results, where the lowest rate was 0.94. Universal agreement reached 0.56, the lowest rate obtained in the entire study. On the other hand, of the 72 items evaluated, 41 reached the maximum score. The Global assessment of the instrument was 0.96, above the minimum rate considered ideal for this type of study.


The study presented a high analysis in the validation of educational technology on breastfeeding, in the format of a comic book, aimed at the support network of the nursing mother. Only four comics did not show significant agreement and were adjusted according to a qualitative description by the judges


to validate an educational technology on breastfeeding, in the format of a comic book, aimed at the support network of the nursing mother.


This is a methodological study in which the validation of the elaborated instrument was carried out. The content validation analysis was performed using the Content Validity Index, and the significance of the adopted agreement rate was evaluated using the binomial test.


All items were above the minimum agreement rate. However, the p-value of the binomial test indicated the need to readjust four items. The evaluations of each topic of the form showed extremely satisfactory results, where the lowest rate was 0.94. Universal agreement reached 0.56, the lowest rate obtained in the entire study. On the other hand, of the 72 items evaluated, 41 reached the maximum score. The Global assessment of the instrument was 0.96, above the minimum rate considered ideal for this type of study.


The study presented a high analysis in the validation of educational technology on breastfeeding, in the format of a comic book, aimed at the support network of the nursing mother. Only four comics did not show significant agreement and were adjusted according to a qualitative description by the judges